“I’m Bad at Texting” — Is It Legit or a Red Flag?

Do they really dislike texting, or are they making excuses?

Megan Boley
Love and Other Things


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Recently, with the guy I’m dating, it has felt like the quality of our communication has downgraded — we both could be doing better about the quality of the conversations we have via text.

We text every day, but for me, that can grow tiresome and a little dull.

I’m a writer by profession, so after writing all day at work, sometimes the last thing I want to do is try to do written cartwheels and be interesting via a text conversation. I like phone calls and FaceTime sometimes to break up the written correspondence.

I’ve been working on a big project at work, so my texts have been less frequent lately. And because I’ve been texting less frequently, he also started texting less frequently — until we went days without talking to each other.

He was waiting for me to text him and I was waiting for him to text me.

So what happened? We just didn’t talk, and then thought the other one wasn’t interested. How silly, right?

All that needed to happen was us shifting to a different method of communication. All either of us had to do was pick up the phone and actually speak words into each other’s faces.

