The 5 Second True Love Test

How continually dating younger guys taught me what to look for in a partner

Megan Boley
Love and Other Things


Photo by Jiroe on Unsplash

My best friend pointed out to me that I have a habit of dating younger guys.

Like, 22-year-olds.

I know.

You think I’m insane.

An internet meme once touted that dating guys in their twenties is like an unpaid internship. After having dated quite a fair number of them, I am inclined to agree.

I don’t really do it on purpose, though. Guys who are on both ends of the age spectrum tend to be the ones who are most into me — either really young or significantly older. But guys my own age (27), or closer to it? Forget about it. They’re the ones who are most confused — about themselves, and about what they want.

At least with young guys and old guys, I know what I’m getting myself into.

So why date younger guys?

Most of the younger ones haven’t had enough relationships or experiences with women to have accumulated the mass amount of emotional baggage that is the norm for guys in their late twenties, or later on in life.

They haven’t had countless women break their hearts, or repeated bad relationships — simply because they haven’t been…

