Love is a Strategic Choice That Creates What We Want

David Papa
Love and Profit
Published in
8 min readFeb 26, 2018

Do you remember that feeling when you first fall in love? The sky is brighter. Food tastes better. Someone insults you on the street and it doesn’t matter. You go to work and completely screw up a presentation and it doesn’t matter at all. You already came up with 5 ways to make it immediately better. Nothing can stop you. You are in love.

Do all our life situations change when we suddenly fall in love? No. Do all the “problems” we were complaining about suddenly go away when we fall in love? No. Yet our entire life all of a sudden gets phenomenally better, our minds get more creative, and our bodies get healthier. And we just shrug off this experience like it’s no big deal. It’s a huge deal.

Love is the most important factor in our happiness. So why isn’t “be in love today” at the top of all of our to-do lists?

For two main reasons:

  1. If we are honest, we actually believe other things are more important than Love for doing well in our lives. That’s how we act, and our actions show our beliefs.
  2. Because we don’t know what it means to “do” love. We don’t know how to make Love a strategy in our lives beyond showering praise, giving hugs, or buying regular flowers.

If you think love is less important than your more clearly physical tasks, you’re in for a rude surprise when you die. The “Top 5 Regrets of the Dying” by Bronnie Ware are all about ways people didn’t love themselves for who they really were and what they really enjoyed in their lifetime. Oops.

Harvard is conducting the longest running happiness and well-being study ever and it shows that ONE clear key factor is the absolute most important for a good life everywhere: Love. They way they measure it is “quality of relationships.”

It’s Not About Romance

So really there is nothing more important for feeling the way you want to feel in life, and experiencing what you want to experience, than being in love. But this does not mean you need a firm cadre of great friends, a supportive family, or even a romantic partner. Those experiences are fantastic! And yet, none of those physical circumstances are required for you to activate and feel this most important element for the good life.

Our society puts love in a tiny box. It’s so much bigger than going to a fun party or finding Prince Charmsalot.

Love is not something that is exchanged between two people. It’s not a commodity. Love is not even a feeling.

Just like everything else in the Universe, Love is an energy. When we tune into this energy we get the feeling we call Love. The feeling is a reflection that shows we are tuned in to the Source. We are locked in on the most beautiful and bountiful resource available. And that’s why life gets so much better.

Most of the time it takes a human relationship involving hugs and kisses for us to tune into this energy. But that’s like seeing an oasis in the desert and thinking that oasis is all the water in the world.

The entire Universe is connected and created by a field of quantum energy that physics calls the “Zero Point Field.” Everything. Is. Connected.

That means everything we experience and feel comes from this energy. That means Love is also part of this field and connected to everything in our experience. Love is literally everywhere.

This is soooooo useful. And is also the main reason people struggle creating the things they want in life. Because if we are not holding Love for something, if we are holding resistance, that thing is not going to show up in a way that feels good.

The Universe, this energy field, is reacting to you all the time, and you are reacting to it. This Field is part of what creates your experience of life. Everything you experience comes to you through connection with this field.

You and the coffee you drank this morning had enough quantum energy in common that the coffee was able to be in your experience and you were able to drink it. That’s how the Universe works.

And all the energy we are carrying inside of us is a sum total pattern that the Universe is responding to at every moment. That’s what you experience.

This is important because your energy pattern directly influences what comes to you. If you really want a successful business, but the quantum energy you are carrying inside of you is resistant to success for whatever reason, it’s going to be a lot harder for you to experience it. We see this time and time again with people that just can’t seem to get it together, no matter what they do, read, or who they get help from. Even if they get a temporary successful blip, they end up right back in their same old patterns.

We’ve all seen this. What is going on? The pattern they are falling back into is an energetic pattern imprinted deep inside them at the quantum level. To change what they experience in life they need to work at that level.

This is why so many spiritual teachers focus on limiting beliefs and emotional trauma. Limiting beliefs and emotional charges inside of us are two of the key ways we can see our quantum information in a more physical form that we can work with.

Remember, feelings are a reflection of our energy. If we feel really sad, angry, or scared about something, that’s showing us what energy we are carrying and a huge clue about why we are creating our lives like we are. When we release this energy we change our quantum information and this changes how we react and how the Field reacts. This changes our experience.

I do work with people and groups all about transforming limiting beliefs and emotions into positive energy sources that create what we actually want to see and experience in our lives. One woman told me this work “saved her life” when she was having anxiety attacks on a business trip. Her fear had taken over, and it was reflected in everything she was experiencing. Her decisions, where she was able to go, how she interacted with people, what she saw around her — all of it was riddled with anxiety. A different person in the same situation would have had a completely different experience. Her trip was literally a nightmare on a physical level, she was bed-ridden. When we worked with her internal energy, without changing anything about her physical situation, the attacks stopped, she made it through her trip, and came back with a more stable understanding of herself.

I have lived working for myself for 5 years as a coach and consultant with very little planning, no marketing, and barely a sketch of a business model. I’ve done everything “wrong”. At times I struggled. But moving the physical knobs and dials of a marketing plan never helped me no matter what I tried. What absolutely did help me was working directly with my energy and transforming emotional charges that were holding me back to pockets of internal love that catapulted me to the next level.

My business is more abundant than it has ever been. I keep landing bigger projects. The people in my network keep getting more amazing. And I haven’t changed my marketing. I’ve changed my energy, my quantum information, and this is guiding my thoughts, my emotions, my decisions, and the whole process of how my experience happens.

This is physics. Or maybe it’s more like bio-physics. If you want a primer on this read “The Field” or “The Intention Experiment” both by Lynne McTaggart.

Life Loves You Back

In review, what we really want deep inside is to live lives that feel like love. That’s why we do anything. Things like “success” and “money” and a “great relationship” are just images that we think will make our lives better.

But why? What do we think will be better? We think we will feel better, receive love, and love our lives more! You see, what we were really after the whole time is Love.

Fortunately, Love is an energy that we can bring into and apply in any situation to feel the way we really want, and draw to us the experiences that are a match for more Love. Love helps us get what we want.

The key to living our most amazing life is to actually fall in love with it. It’s not about the perfect family, friends, or partner. It’s about us becoming the perfect partner for life — unconditionally loving, accepting, supporting, celebratory, communicative, with lots of hugs and kisses to everything inside us.

Become the partner Life loves to show up for, dance with, and delight. If you love life by examining your feelings and working with your energy, life will love you back, and it will feel amazing.

There are probably hundreds of ways to practically do that. Some authors that share methods include Matt Kahn, Teal Swan, Brandon Bays, Byron Katie, and Darren Weissman. I encourage you to check out any of those that appeal to you.

They’ve inspired me to create exercises that have worked amazingly well for me and my clients. The exercises focus on finding the places we are resisting love inside us and changing our energy that relates to what we want.

Many will read this and do nothing different.

Life transformations happen to people willing to experiment with themselves and prove to themselves what’s possible.

You don’t have to take my word for any of this. The real learning happens in application and direct experience. You can start small, take a bit-sized chunk that you can handle, and rocket up from there.

I describe the basics of these exercises in a short podcast series I recently created. They are easier to describe and share in that format. I hope you find these incredibly fruitful and useful, as I have.

Even if you don’t listen to the exercises, I implore you to admit to yourself that love is what you are truly after, and to make it a practical priority. Get it on the to-do list. Find your own way to feel the love inherent in every moment. Find your own way to apply Love energy into your every experience, starting with that is happening inside yourself.

You are Love. Start acting like it in whatever way you can. I will grow in you and you will find more ways.

This is how we find the way to get great experiences and this is how we bring more love to the surface on this planet. This is the most important strategy for getting what we want.

Love, David

Call to Action:

  1. Go listen to look at the podcast series.
  2. Look for one episode that resonates with you.
  3. Listen to the episode and pick one small thing you will try in your life for just one week.
  4. Tell me how it went!

Find more of David’s spiritual development practices and his latest projects at



David Papa
Love and Profit

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Why don’t we start acting like it?