
A Letter to my Unborn Daughter

Ashley Nicole
Ashley Nicole’s Writing Nook
2 min readMay 18, 2021


You will be a world changer

Photo by Shannon Pitter on Unsplash

My daughter

You are a miracle

We loved you before your little heart ever started beating

From the day I found out I was pregnant with you,

My world changed

My dream is coming true

I am going to be a mother

Each day that passes

I feel you getting bigger and stronger

I already see your personality shine

You are the light and joy of your mommy and daddy’s lives

I smile every time I feel you move inside me

All I want is for you to be healthy and happy

You have given me a new purpose in life

The best gift I could be given

Being your mother

Because of you

My motivation is sky high

I strive to be a better version of myself today than I was yesterday

I will show you what a strong successful woman is

I want you to be strong

I want you to be self confident

