Now is New: the key to Creativity

Musings on Heart Powered Human Leadership

Elizabeth Lovius
Love belongs in business
3 min readJan 15, 2023


Collage by Elizabeth Lovius — In the name of the Rose

I have been a lifelong creator. Crafter, poetry writer, maker. I can have a million ideas a minute, often ideas for others too. I simply love the act of creation. Whether it be a solution, an outfit, a meal, a poem, a party, a collage, a presentation, a program.

In a way it doesn’t matter what – it is the act of creation itself that nourishes the soul.

I have for many years taught and coached others in the art of creativity — which I also love to do — although if I am honest nothing brings me as much joy as in being in the full-flow of my own full creative expression — irrespective of the intended focus.

I believe it to be a fundamental attribute of being human — the power to create.

We create from nothing all the time.

The power of Thought being the power to create anything in our minds, and making it so. Our brains are designed to think fresh thoughts and see anew at any moment. The more we are aligned with the Space inside, who we are at Core, just being ourselves — the more effortless our creative powers seem to be.

Conversely, the more pre-occupied we are with worries, concerns, notions about the future of the past — the busier our minds, the more our creative powers seem to be obscured.

About a year ago I went on a Collaging course to explore a new creative channel for myself. It was such an enlightening experience — the first thing I made was powerful and made a statement —it is what is known as beginners luck — a kind of innocent mindfulness — before we get ideas of how we should be doing it — and we are just flowing with the creative moment as it arises.

Creating from this space is pure joy, although filled with uncertainty — the uncertainty brings a kind of sense of adventure — not knowing what is going to happen and not trying to make a thing happen either — somehow just being in the flow of the adventure.

My second collage was much harder work. I had started comparing. The intellect got involved. I was definitely thinking I wasn’t as good an artist as this other person in the class, and why hadn’t I thought of that good idea. I felt worse than a beginner, I suddenly felt inept.

But I didn’t give up. A few weeks later, I had a Feminine Soul week at home on my own and had bought all the Collage equipment and I gave myself the challenge of creating a collage at home — to the beat of my own drum without other input or comparisons. I listened to what wanted to happen and be created through me.

It was there I discovered my sweet spot — of having a simple idea, running with it and letting the creative flow take me where it wanted to go.

It was different to my original plan and yet even better. I created this Collage tryptich — In the name of the Rose and loved every minute of doing it. Read the story of the collages and what is behind them here: In the name of the Rose.

I learned that the key to creativity is simply to be fully present in this moment, the Now — and in the now arises the spark and nudge of fresh creative thought and I could just follow whatever feels right — the New.

When we make space for presence, silence and connection, we discover ideas and thoughts naturally arise that help us thrive and grow. Thoughts that allow us to innovate, create and adapt to meet the needs of any moment.

We are creative beings and when we listen in and align with what I call — what is wanting to happen through you — we also discover how our unique creative contribution enriches the whole.

For leaders who want to lead with humanity, heart and wisdom.

Get inspiration / Work with me one to one; in-person on retreat



Elizabeth Lovius
Love belongs in business

Read about leading with humanity, heart and wisdom. It’s what the world needs now. And some Poetry which touches the parts nothing else can quite reach.