I Miss You

Maneesha Rajaratne
Love Circle


We yell out to the god damn world every single day. I Miss you…But actually do you miss them?? Do you actually miss anyone at all??? a question to yourselves.

A wife is waiting for his husband, who is working overseas. Does she miss him? Yes, she does. Because she is holding on to a thread called Love. Girlfriend is waiting for a reply from her bae. Does she miss him? Of course, she does. Because she is holding on to a thread of Love and Hope. That’s how it works right!! the thing is what happens when the thread is broken, you gonna fill out that missing thing with something else.

Not only the breathing ones but also the things you miss. Sometimes you may cry over those. But one day you gonna get over it. You think to yourself ‘What the hell I have been doing?’.

I am not being sarcastic or something. This is just a thought from what I have experienced.

Thanks for reading!!



Maneesha Rajaratne
Love Circle

Former Research and Development intern at University of Colombo School of Computing.