How to Last Longer in Bed

So you can enjoy the journey, not just the destination

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


I can come very quickly.

That’s not a brag. In fact, for a long time, it was a big problem.

Until I learned to prolong sex, it always ended much sooner than I wanted it to.

And because I was dating a delayed ejaculator, sex ended far too quickly for him.

It was such a terrible situation because the sex was so damn good.

His cock would slide into me and I’d feel that intense rush of pleasure from the initial penetration.

Every thrust after that would feel amazing.

It was just about perfect — if it wasn’t for the fact that I knew it wouldn’t last.

Almost as soon as we started fucking, the pleasure would intensify at a rapid pace, my breath would get stuck in my throat, all my muscles would contract at once, and I’d have to ask him to stop because the feeling was just too intense.

We had barely started and I already had an orgasm. I was done. I was spent. I couldn’t keep going. But I was a little bit sad that I barely got to enjoy it.

And that’s if his cock even made it inside me.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: