How to Masturbate with a Showerhead

Say hello to your new boyfriend

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


Every time I moved into a new place, I’d make my husband replace the showerhead on the first day.

While we were packing everything up, I insisted on him taking off the showerhead and replacing it with the one that originally came with the place.

He would stand awkwardly on the side of the tub, wrench in hand, looking down at me. “Do we really need to take it?”

“Yes.” I would say curtly, keeping a blank expression on my face, and watch him tighten the wrench around the socket of the showerhead.

Then we’d carry our belongings into our new house or apartment and I’d say “I want to take a shower tonight. I need you to install the showerhead before I do.”

He’d look around at the clutter of boxes and unarranged furniture, silently questioning my priorities, and ask “Do you really need it today?”

“Yes.” Same tone as before. Same blank expression.

That was my poker face. Because I didn’t want to admit that I wasn’t being fussy. I was just feeling a little tense and horny.

The Start of a Beautiful Love Affair

I fell in love with my showerhead by accident.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: