I Am a Semi-Demisexual

Demisexuality doesn’t quite fit — but neither does anything else

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


My guy friends used to call me a slut.

Not always maliciously, I suppose. But they’d sometimes make jokes about it, or mention it casually.

To them, I fit the bill.

I wasn’t shy about my love of sex. My mind and my mouth were dirty and it only got worse after a few cheap beers.

None of them could keep up with me, so all they could do was put me down.

But I wasn’t all talk. I hooked up with guys on the same day I met them. I did all the stuff my girlfriends weren’t ready to try (or not ready to admit they tried). I didn’t have a third date rule because I didn’t usually have a third date.

In other words, I was having the kind of sex these guys wished they had. And they looked down on me for it.

A friend of mine even got in a fight with her boyfriend because he told her I was a slut for going back and forth between two guys (not at the same time — I wasn’t having that much fun yet).

I was a metalhead, a TV junkie, and a stoner.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects