Make Your Valentine’s Day Sex More Sensual

Use it as an opportunity to break your routine

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


I’ve always loved doing something special for Valentine’s Day.

It’s never been anything big, but just something that helps us get out of the routine, show our appreciation for each other, and flare up the romance a little.

For my first Valentine’s Day with Mr. Austin, I made his favorite dessert (apple pie) even though I’m not all that fond of baking. I also bought him some silky, heart print boxers.

We still celebrate it more or less the same way. We make a special treat and have a little at-home date night after the kids are in bed.

We make sure to break our routine and connect a little more than usual. But there’s one thing that doesn’t change: the way we have sex.

We have sex on Valentine’s Day, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary about it. We fuck like we would any other day of the week.

It’s still enjoyable, obviously, but I want to scrap that pattern. I want us to have sex that feels like Valentine’s Day sex, not just ordinary Friday night sex.

Since it’s a romantic, flowers-and-chocolates kind of day, the best way to make the sex more special is to make it more sensual.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: