The Real Reason She’s Not Being Honest With You

She wants to be straightforward — it’s just not safe

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


I grew up hearing women complain that they don’t understand men. What they didn’t realize is that men seem to understand men even less.

Tesia Blake wrote a great narrative representing the ways women use subtle (but not that subtle) signals to let guys know they’re not interested because they don’t want to appear rude by being blunt.

They’ll pull away from attempts at physical contact. They’ll bring up their relationship status to make it clear they’re not available. They’ll give some gentle excuse for why she can’t go on a date or why she’s just not ready to date anyone at the moment.

Anything, really, to avoid having to politely but firmly say no.

Men, as most women surely know, aren’t very good at reading these signals.

Their reading is unusually optimistic. They’ll notice her pull back and think she just needs a bit of convincing. They’ll hear “I have a boyfriend” and think she must…



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: