What Does It Take to Be a Daddy?

And why the daddy kink is so hot

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


My daddy kink used to really embarrass me.

Even when I was opening up to my husbands about the things that turn me on and the kind of porn I enjoy the most, I left that one unspoken.

I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. I wasn’t harboring a secret shame. But I knew that a lot of people have a strong and very negative reaction to anything daddy-related.

It’s a fetish that elicits a lot of very visceral reactions — people seem to either love daddy kink or hate it.

Even though it seems to be growing in popularity, it’s still widely misunderstood. Whenever it’s discussed online, you’ll see comments from people chiming in that they’re disgusted by it, weirded out that it’s a thing, or just plain skeeved out.

That’s not the kind of neutral, “to each their own” attitude you see when sexual submission, flogging, and other kinks are brought up.

My husband is an open-minded and understanding guy. I can confide in him about everything. But I couldn’t shake the worry that he’d have the same kind of reaction. That my daddy kink was the one that would weird him out — the one that he’d think went too far.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects