Why I Fantasize About Creampies

I fetishize the things I can’t have

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


I was always fascinated by come, but it took me a long time to fall in love with it.

Before I had sex, I was mesmerized by porn. I’d watch performers pound, sweat, and get in all sorts of positions that looked like they would be practically impossible but also really fucking fun.

Porn was also the first place I saw guys come.

There was something a little surprising about seeing the first spurt of spunk coming from a guy’s cock.

But it wasn’t any more thrilling or fascinating than all the other things I was watching in those videos — I just sort of took everything in as one steady stream of exciting smut.

When I started having sex, I really enjoyed getting to play with cocks but the come wasn’t the most appealing part to me.

I remember a lot of things about the first handjob I gave, but I can’t recall how it finished. The way he came, where it got, and how I cleaned it off my hand are lost from my memory.

After that, it was hard to develop a great relationship with come because it mostly signaled that sex was over — and over before I was done.

Come was something I took for granted. It was just what happened at the end of sex. It…



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects