Fun in a healing way at Seva Cafe, Ahmedabad

Gautam Prajapati
Love Heals Cancer |
2 min readNov 4, 2018

Young minds are the most impressionable. They listen without judgement, understand without prejudice, and act without any selfish motives. They have a pure image of the world in their mind and work relentlessly towards making the world a better place. They have hoped a dare not beaten by the real truths of life.

Love Heals Cancer experienced the beauty of youth first hand when it organised a healing session in Ahmedabad with a couple of teenagers from all around the world. We had a health workshop with some enthusiastic teenagers from Ahmedabad and England. A meeting of young and energetic people, this health workshop consisted of a healing circle and an intense discussion on the seven healing principles. Few times we at LHC have seen an environment where people not only learned about the ways of healing their soul but also put forward their diverse opinions about the healing process. Most importantly everyone enjoyed and had a great time.

The discussion started with the seven healing practices and then went to the existential question of what is essential in one’s life. What we are doing and what should be doing not only to have a peaceful and fulfilling life but also to walk the path of love. To give the people around us the same happiness and solace that engulfs us and make sure that the forces of love flow everywhere around us. The ecosystem that was created between the attendants and the LHC volunteer was conducive, accepting and full of joy. And for that, we thank all the people that attended the session.

We as an organization aim to walk the path of love and care. We strive and hope to have many more healing sessions such as these so that the future leaders and thinkers of the world can start their life, not in a rat race but understanding that love is truly important in life. Everything else is just fleeting.

Written by the amazing Abhishek Pandeyar.

