Love Heals Cancer | ZenOnco.io
3 min readDec 5, 2019


A Healing Circle is a safe environment where one can share their emotions, ideas, feelings, and views, without fear of judgment, bias or mockery. This facilitates a stress-free environment, where the participants can be themselves and express all that they are concerned about or express their gratitude towards the Almighty One or their support group who enables them to stand strong in their battle against Cancer. This is very beneficial as participants get to hear the experiences of others and this may result in a positive takeaway message for the ones who are struggling to make peace with their health condition. This accepting circle facilitates healing, open sharing, and positivity, which boosts one’s mental frame of mind.

One such healing circle; the very first in our center, was conducted at our Cancer Care Centre, Zenonco.io which was based on the theme of what each participant was grateful for. One participant named Vandana stated that she was grateful to find a soulmate who pampered and treasured and took good care of her during her journey against the battle with Cancer. Her husband, in turn, said that he wanted to travel and explore the world with his spouse, Vandana. Ms. Dimple Parmar, who is the founder of Zenonco.io said that she was grateful for all the support she has received till date from anyone and everyone, be it her employees at the Centre or even an electrician or a carpenter. She was extremely grateful for all the support she has received from Mr. Kishan and felt that this Center would remain a dream if not for him. Mr. Kishan was grateful for being able to help make this Centre a reality and being part of this healing journey.

The next topic that was discussed was about writing a self-prescription where each one mentions their wellness plans. Mr. Kishan had a very innovative way to express his wellness plans. All he said was, “ PHEW!”, which was an abbreviation for Positivity, Happiness, Eating Well and Workout and the! stood for giving surprises to others as well as to self. Ms. Dimple Parmar shared her wellness plans which were Eating Healthy, Moving More, Being in Zen, Keeping Hope, and Spreading Hope.

Each of us is aware of our own body’s healing capacity. What may work on us, may not work on another, So we individually can determine our own limits. This point was emphasized by the wellness plans of the rest of the participants.

All this fruitful interaction lead to a room filled with a lot of positive energy, unconditional love, gratitude, mutual respect, and total unbiased acceptance. With so much positivity radiating in each other's hearts, this circle was closed by our founder, Ms. Dimple Parmar, after observing a minute of silence. The biggest takeaway for us all was the big smiles reflecting on everyone’s faces.

We were happy that our first Healing Circle was a success and brought out so many encouraging, positive emotions and useful learning that we are looking forward to conducting many more such amazing sessions with our clients. So do visit us at Zenonco.io to know more about our services, and learn how Integrative Oncology can help bring a positive change in your life, by adding quality to your life.

