Ania Sowinski: There is nothing more homely than the smell of a roast dinner

Sharp Home Europe
The #LoveHome Project
4 min readJul 27, 2015
“I’m not at home that much so coming back to it feels like returning to a safe place to recharge.”

The #LoveHome Project is all about finding out what makes a house a home. Bubbly actress Ania Sowinski found fame early in her career starring in the successful children’s television show The Biz. Since then she has had notable roles in Luther, Silent Witness and Spooks. Her film credits are wide ranging and impressive having co-starred with Rhys Ifans in Mr. Nice and Andy Serkis in Extraordinary Rendition. Ania has recently finished filming on Eddie The Eagle directed by Dexter Fletcher and starring Wolverine himself Hugh Jackman, Christopher Walken and Kingsman star Taron Egerton, in the title role. She is currently championing the independent and award-nominated project Flim: The Movie in which she stars. #LoveHome caught up with Ania at her stunning home slap bang in the middle of London, to find out what makes her home a happy one.

When you think of home what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Peace. Living in London can be really chaotic and crazy so my home is where I find peace.

What does home mean to you?

It’s a place to escape from the city madness. I’m not at home that much so coming back to it feels like returning to a safe place to recharge.

What are your abiding memories of your childhood home?

I grew up in an amazing house in Kilburn where there were railway lines at the bottom of the garden. The sound of the trains at night used to send me to sleep. The back garden was where it was all at. It joined on to next-door’s garden and our neighbour was a beekeeper who used to make honey, which was pretty amazing. He also had a tortoise that used to roam the garden. My mum and dad loved plants so there was loads of plants in my house as a child, essentially we had a garden inside as well as out. Our home was very green. Might be where I get that sense of peace from.

“There’s no greater pleasure than watching people enjoy what you’ve just made in your kitchen, with a great playlist on and lots of laughter over old stories.”

What is your favourite room and why?

My bedroom. It’s where I can completely let go and relax. I have the most amazing view of the London skyline and I always wanted a room with a view, the one I have now is inspiring.

How would you improve your home if money was no object?

I would convert the attic and have a giant roof terrace. The only thing I’m currently missing is some outdoor space.

Is there a smell that is evocative of home?

Paint! My dad’s a contractor, he’d go and do everyone else’s homes, but never quite finish ours. He would always begin painting various walls over the years in between his other jobs. So the smell of paint always takes me home. Paint and a roast dinner, probably not together though! There is nothing more homely than the smell of a roast dinner wafting down the hallway.

“I go, I travel, I see something new and I love coming back to my space.”

How do you relax at home?

Cooking. I love to cook for people. There’s no greater pleasure than watching people enjoy what you’ve just made in your kitchen, with a great playlist on and lots of laughter over old stories. A good box set on Netflix always relaxes me too. Loving Bates Motel at the moment….

How do you give your home a distinct character?

Some people would say plants, but I’m terrible with them and they always die. I have one I talk to because it keeps dying on me. Make it cozy, a place where people really want to be, whether that’s you or your friends. And make sure you get as much natural light in the place as possible.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone looking to brighten up their home?

Keep things neutral but have splashes of colour everywhere. Downstairs everything is quite neutral, but I have these bespoke red and orange blinds that are beautiful when the sun’s coming through them in the morning and evening.

When you’re away from home how do you take a piece of it with you?

I don’t. I leave it behind because it makes coming back all the more fantastic. I go, I travel, I see something new and I love coming back to my space.

Eddie the Eagle directed by Dexter Fletcher is due for release in April 2016.
For more information about Flim the Movie visit and LIKE their Facebook page.

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Sharp Home Europe
The #LoveHome Project

At Sharp Home Europe we care about doing home appliances the right way. #LoveHome.