Motherhood- A Year Already

A beautiful poem

Ashwini Rao Holla
Love In The Air
Jul 9, 2021


1 year of those sleepless nights,

Wakeful dreams of future bright.

1 year of little tugs and coos,

Babbling, cries and lots of drools.

1 year of always being on the run,

Oh that innocent face with his messy fun!

1 year of doubts on parenting skills,

Eventually giving our best just fits the bill.

1 year of uncertainty and lockdowns,

That sweet lil face never fails to calm us down.

1 year of gratitude and endless love,

This is just the beginning of the learning curve!

Keep smiling always ❤



Ashwini Rao Holla
Love In The Air

Continuous learner and a new mom who strongly believes in the power of relationships, positivity and smiles. Love reading, dancing, volunteering and writing. :)