The Journey The Only Survivors

Travel Through Time to Discover The Meaning of Life

Roz Andrews
Love Self-Published Books
2 min readJul 22, 2022


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Life. What is life? Is life a simple or complex story? Is life a journey or just monotonous? Why do some people have a short life and some a long life? Why do children and babies die? What is the point of existing if you don’t make it past your third birthday?

These were some of the questions I had before the incident in which my life was changed forever. And now, I had a completely different perspective. My three siblings and I were the only remaining survivors in this scattered world, and because of it, our lives were sacred. We were lost in a world we had only heard about in stories.

I mean, dreams were just dreams without action, right? No one thought that this dream could become true, or that someone would put action into making this dream a reality. But this dream did become reality, and that reality became a nightmare.

During our journey, we sought a return to normal, but we found it to be intangible. I know I sound a bit cryptic when I say this, but we kept on losing something that was essential — something we believed would help us return to a normal life. We felt like we were in a maze, and as much as we tried to find our way out, we just couldn’t. The future became impossible to see, and a normal life seemed foreign after all we went through. With something as drastic as this, we could only pray that one day our lives would return to normal.

The knowledge and order we once knew was forgotten, and a new order took its place. Someone was pulling the strings. It’s like they were using us as puppets in some sort of comedy film. But this “comedy” wasn’t at all humorous.

My name is Kyara Edwards. I have a sixteen-year-old twin brother named Bryan, a seven-year-old sister named Amy, and a six-year-old brother named Luke. We were home alone on the night of the terrible storm — the storm that changed everything.

Join Kyara and her siblings on a miraculous journey through time in The Journey The Only Survivors, by A.M. Parrish.

Copyright © A.M. Parrish 2022

This extract from The Journey The Only Survivors, by A.M. Parrish was contributed to Love Self-Published Books by the author and is reproduced here with her permission.



Roz Andrews
Love Self-Published Books

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.