Corner Of Her Heart 🤍

Divya Teketi ✨
The Love Pub
Published in
Apr 23, 2024
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

In the quiet corners of her heart,

She loves him, though they’re apart.

Every day, she gives her all,

But he doesn’t catch her when she falls.

She dreams of him, night after night,

But in his world, she’s out of sight.

Her smiles hide the pain she feels,

As her love for him slowly congeals.

In her world, he’s a shining star,

But to him, she’s just too far.

Yet still, she holds onto hope’s thread,

Even though her heart feels like lead.

In her one-sided love’s silent embrace,

She finds comfort in her own space.

Though he may never see her light,

She’ll keep loving him with all her might.

She’ll keep loving him until she sees his wedding pictures

– DT ✨



Divya Teketi ✨
The Love Pub

We all came from the nature lets melt into it through the love of words ✨ I write about #love #life #pyschology #philosophy #realstories #writing #mentalhealth