His Presence

Divya Teketi ✨
The Love Pub
Published in
Apr 29, 2024

In a world where hearts once shattered,

She found herself feeling tattered.

But a ray of sunshine crossed her way,

In his presence, she found her sway.

With every smile, its a new beginning

In his eyes, her fears kept thinning.

Hand in hand, they danced the night,

In his bond, she found her light.

So here’s to love’s sweet melody,

Healing wounds, setting her free.

In his embrace, she found her glee,

A broken girl, finally now complete

– DT ✨



Divya Teketi ✨
The Love Pub

We all came from the nature lets melt into it through the love of words ✨ I write about #love #life #pyschology #philosophy #realstories #writing #mentalhealth