Hold this poem , let’s walk back home

Paras Ali
The Love Pub
Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2024

The journey I know my friend
Had scorching afternoons and those
Dukes, damsels and the fairies
Hiding Fire and fury
Burnt all the stories
You wrote to them with your blood
Since your unwelcomed birth

Many a times your own own heart
Was advertised for selling the art
To please the market of kings and monarchs
And they chewed all those words
Mercilessly to mortify the meaning.
So no place it can earn in language

I know the longest nights ate your
Childhood dreams, youngest whispers
And tired memories
The twilight has also smuggled your beliefs
For a loaf of leftover meat

Your lips are chapped , the metaphors
Shall balm them
Your tissues are tattered , all you need
Is a caress rhyming verbs
do not grieve
the cosy lullabies will
Buy from the wealthiest trader
Snippets of sleep

Come this way my dear
Tomorrow is very near
Stars have guided me the way
Hold the poem
Let’s walk back home

Photo by Andrew Draper on Unsplash

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