James Edward Young
The Love Pub
Published in
6 min read5 days ago


Photo by Me Me Me


Would you just take a look at these gorgeous pills. Most of these are capsules my wife and I make. The rest are pills we buy. This is what we take every day.
This array could kick the fanny of your puny multi vitamins. Yah, your multi vitamin is so puny, that they don’t even give it to babies.
Yah, So eat these instead or you will be no better than a little poopy pants baby crying for his mama. You have to be knowledgeable about Hans and Franz from Saturday Night Live to understand that joke.
I can hear the thought waves crackling out there. “Hear me now and believe me later”, in the words of Hans and Franz.
You might say to yourself, I am not choking down that giant wad of pills like every day, but let me explain something. DO IT !
I’ve been happily married to Joan for a long time. I consider myself somebody that can solve problems. Joan gave me a problem that has been almost impossible to solve. It took years and many many hours of hours research but I think I cracked the code.
I don’t want to come off like I am the big “I AM”. I’m just a simple guy with average intelligence, but I have bulldog tenaciousness. Joan is one of the sweetest ladies on the planet who did not deserve this. I could name a few that did deserve this. No, on 2nd thought, I wouldn’t even wish this on my ex-wife.
Joan has had devastating daily nausea for almost 30 years. It started one day when we went to a Chinese market and got some chicken bao
Her nausea started after she ate the bao and we thought she had gotten food poisoning because her nausea was so severe. It was an unfortunate bit of timing and we attributed the nausea to the food that she had eaten. Nausea came usually daily for many years, too long for it to be food poisoning.
So it must be something else. Well whatever else it was we didn’t have time to figure it out. Joan’s quality of life hit rock bottom with the constant nausea.
Using marijuana when you’re a kid for fun is one thing but. When menopause throws you a curveball that nobody else on the planet seems to have, it doesn’t seem fair.
I put the responsibility for her health on my own shoulders. Who better? I am the man, right ? I’m here 24 7. I know my wife’s body almost as well as I know my own body. I always said that I want to take care of Joan so well that her mother would be proud of me. I can’t believe that I’m so lucky that she gave her life to me.
We are together 24 7 and it’s just not enough time. It’s just that, I always feel that way. Anyway I’m off subject again.
So she’s not eating of course. Even drinking water she says is nearly impossible because it feels like reverse peristalsis when she swallows.
It’s as though her swallowing muscles are either working in reverse, or just somehow stop the food from moving altogether. Eating became an impossible challenge.
I’m the kind of guy that takes every scenario to the max. Of course I can see Joan having such severe diet issues that she turns frail and
weak just like my sister did. I’m not going to let this happen to Joan. I finally find the best woman on the planet, the one that’s helping
me deal with life and heal. The woman I met as a girl and somehow talked her into being with me for life. I can’t let her get sick and anorexic.
I developed a plan of attack to keep her healthy until this problem could be solved. I refuse to trust doctors anymore because they they seem to be more into prescribing pills and finding the root cause. Let’s just say I am more into Ayurvedic medicine rather than Western medicine.
One day while Joan was trying to enjoy her birthday and the world with her girlfriend Gabriel, I decided to go see a marijuana doctor.
I have several reasons why marijuana would be useful to me so it was easy for the doctor to issue me a permit to have medicinal marijuana.
So I had a permit and I want to store called City of Trees with a big green cross on the outside. My eyes practically bulged out of my head.
I was sure it was 1960 and the smell of the marijuana in there was luxurious. Some people don’t like it, but I think it smells like skunk,
and I just love the smell of skunk as long as it’s not too much and too close. Like you’re driving down the highway and you accidentally hit a skunk that somebody else previously hit and you get that awesome skunk smell in your car, that’s pure gold.
Whoops, I got off track again. I got this machine that heats the plant material just enough to vaporize the THC and other cannabinoids, but there is no smoke, or hardly any.
She actually hated this device because it was too close to actually smoking, but it was the only way she could get a little relief from the nausea so that she could eat food.
It’s a little better than vaping or smoking. (Vaping and Smoking marijuana is destructive to your lungs, just as much of smoking cigarettes and cigars.)
So, Joan’s appetite came back but it was like how uninterested your appetite is after recovering from the flu. She wanted to eat comfort foods Which did not make her feel sick. That is better than nothing, but not very much better than nothing.
Then I went to the next part of my plan. I bought this pill making device from Capsule CN for. I also bought empty separated size 000 capsules,
10,000 at a time. This device will cost about $300 but it can save a fortune in taking herbal supplements. We are both very proud of the fact that we don’t take any prescription medications. We only eat superfood supplements.

Crazy as it may seem, we think it’s a good idea to take care of your body BEFORE something ugly happens. Little by little we collect the purest possible, organic if possible, lab tested for metals, no side effects herbs and root powders and leaf powders that are considered super foods. My feeling was that if she could take in some THC or whatever it is and it makes her feel better , than she can eat. I want her to take nutritional herb pills with her rice and soy sauce, that are so nutritious, that it’s as though she had a complete meal.
We spend a lot of time and money, making organic powders into capsules. We color them ourselves to indicate what the pills are. Joan puts a few drops of organic food coloring in a plastic bag. She scrunches the bag around to distribute the food coloring all over the bag and then we pour the white capsules into the bag close the back stop and shake it and they all get a color. Of course you’ve introduced a little moisture so you want to put them on a plate and let them dry really good and I think it’s a good idea if a few packets of silica gel in the bag when you bag them up for storage.
Of course, capsules that are perishable should be kept in the freezer. For instance, we make our own calcium from buying bags of calcium citrate malate. That is the best form of calcium. But it is so flyaway you have to mix a little bit of olive oil into it just so it doesn’t fly all over the house and get into your computer. Just the right amount of olive oil gives it a little bit of weight so that you can work with it. If you’re interested in what kind of pills I’m making right now, I would love to tell you all about it. Not today though, because this is already too long, right? How about day after tomorrow. Rest assured that each time I write about the supplements that we make and eat, I will mention all of the nutritional advantages of that supplement as well as any cautions.



James Edward Young
The Love Pub

I believe in honest true life stories with the thrill of life, romance and strong emotion.