One-of-a-kind experience of sighting a greenback Turtle

An extinguished specie being take care of

Paras Ali
The Love Pub


( Mother Turtle ,weighing up to 150 kgs, digging a massive cavity to lay eggs and then burying the eggs with sand .)

To meet an endangered specie is an emotional experience .It evokes a mix of curiosity and an aching sorrow, wondering why we, as careless humans, failed to preserve them. I often get puzzled about dinosaurs and their sudden disappearance, which has left many questions unanswered. At the same time, it feels miraculous to witness the few remaining species while lacking the opportunity to see others.

Today, I laced up my trainers to seek answers to my questions. I visited a natural turtle sanctuary at Ras Al Jinz, Oman. Every year, from April to September, more than five species of turtles from various parts of the world visit the Arabian Peninsula. Turtles are solitary creatures, migrating mostly alone. Satellite telemetry has shown that their nesting and hatching occur in tropical areas where the sand is usually warmly moist .

(The entrance of an impressive Sanctuary, working hard to fight against poaching)

