James Edward Young
The Love Pub
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2024



Carlos Santiago/Pexels


(Please play both of the above sound tracks at the same time)

It wasn’t supposed to happen — — — but it did
What is a promise?
Is it just a little white lie told in the heat of the moment. If a little white lie is accepted then it becomes a fact. You called me darling ? Not a single person in my life did that . Will the ambrosia ever wear off ??
We said, I love you to each other. I meant it and I believe you meant it too . What a wonderful thing to love somebody like that. Yes, I said “like that”. I’m not ashamed of it, and I don’t want to hide it. If only you knew how strong this is, inside of my heart .
I love you so much and I am so very proud of it. It’s a wonderful thing to love somebody, “like that”. These are very rare and unusual feelings that I have inside of me for you, even if they could not be fully welcomed. Quite frankly they are terrifying to me as well. I had to check myself because my feelings instantly went into silence inside of me when we met. That only happens when someone very important is introduced into my life.
That’s a terrifying feeling when you feel so strongly about somebody so quickly, that you go silent. You don’t want anybody or anything harming this fledgling feeling that is like gold. Of course, neither one of us would ever throw our life off balance for an affair, platonic or otherwise. That would be cheap and unacceptable. But then, on the other hand, maybe a person’s life sometimes does need to be thrown off balance a bit, just so one can have a taste of a new reality for a change. I think that’s how we know that we are human and alive.
I wish to tell you how much joy you brought into my life and how I wanted to repay you by trying to bring joy into your life anyway that I could.
You make my heart skip and sing, and with you, I felt I could do anything.
If you ever told me a little white lie, I know it really doesn’t mean deception, maybe it’s more about sparing feelings.
I would think it would be such a complement to have someone fall in love with you, but if you already love somebody else, It can become complicated.
Feelings, everything is about feelings.
My feelings are that I am in love with you, and I don’t know what to do with that, but it feels so good and I don’t want it to go away either.
Am I free to express the feelings that are in my heart ???
Oh, if only you were here. I could just show you my heart…… but I can’t tell you a thing while we are apart.
Did you tell me a little white lie?
Maybe you should hear the words that I say from your guy.
Do you really love me too ? I pray that you do. Really, what harm could that really do ? Do you lay awake at night tossing and turning thinking about our words to each other?……..I do.
I play our conversations over and over and memorize every word. I know that you love me because that was the last thing that I heard
It’s the middle of the night right now and I’m freezing cold. But is the coldness that I feel , how you feel about me,
or is it the cold empty winter rain reminding me of how lonesome I am for you, how my heart aches for you. I should not say this because
this puts you in a position of power over me. But, I gave you that power over me the day we met. The feelings that came over me shook me to my core.
I knew how much I wanted you, and then I wanted you all the more.
I know this scenario goes on all over the world, but there’s nobody quite like either you or me. I have shivers of sadness and waves of tears wondering where you are, and if you are safe.
I’m a poet and I can’t write. I’m a comedian and I can’t laugh. I can’t sleep and my appetite is low. I try to figure things out but I’m just too slow.
I don’t know why you do some of the things you do. All I know is that I can’t help myself, because I’m so in love with you.



James Edward Young
The Love Pub

I believe in honest true life stories with the thrill of life, romance and strong emotion.