Love Remains the Eternal Chocolate Lovers Dream. AHHHHHH

βœ… Poem: Contagious Hot and Sour Crazy Positions, Finding Your Dream Lover βœ…

How do you know you are in love?


It starts with love. . .

I make absolutely no monies on Medium. They will not pay me, but here I am because I enjoy you all. They have blocked this account before and shut me down. Story of my life. LOL. F$ck Medium!

Stay at least 3 millions seconds or 3 million years, gather all the boxes of chocolate bun kisses,

. . . do the eternal holy romantic garlic dance craze of boogie butt heart to heart communication, as you highlight your sexy nose hair, . . .

. . . . air guitar with air fried pizza donuts honey hops of love, clap 3 millions times, comment about how much my butt is growing bigger than your butt and how I need to buy bigger pants:

Thank you so much for being you!


Chocolate Love: Photo by Scarlett Alt on Unsplash

Poem of Cocaine and Cotton Chocolate Lust Candy

βœ…Chocolate Sushi Love Cherry Bites βœ…

Love is. . .

Choco covered kisses . . .
Where oh where is my love. . .
thinking and unthinking, mindful zenful bites, not love if
having to pay the bill at Dan Romero’s Pizza . . .
Sushi Whore House, . .
. . .

bleeding and stinking, . . .
mindful zenful love bites, not love if you be . . .
having to pay the huge hospital bill for accidentally . . .
cutting off his short . . .

smiling and . . .
dancing, mindful zenful love kisses, . .
not love if, wondering and thinking, your twin flame daddy . . .
is in Vegas jail for tax . . .
evasion, . . .
ah! . . .

flying and . .
hiding, mindful zenful taco kisses, . ..
not love if your other, running and ducking, mindful zenful meditation, because you
are . .

shooting bullets, in revenge mode for . . .
bringing that big boobed babe to your bed, while you
working overtime paying for his Coco Tesla and . . .
Demon Donut Florida Vacation homes, . . .
lol, . . .

Yes,. . .
blowing up the funeral home . . .
as you chase your demon lover into darkest regions of hell,
eating his loser sushi ass burger, . . .
sucking his sausage, you . . .
re-cutting off of
him, . . .

love. . .
laughing and . . .
dancing with other bloodlust . . . . vampires in the
circle of eternal love or damnation. . . . gone terrible . . wrong . . . . . . . . . . . . .
love, love. . .
love. . .

βœ… Thank you for reading. . . . βœ…

I have been called romantic and hot, but sometimes, I met the sexy demon witch vampire from hell, ruuuuuuuuun . .. nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. . . . . . . .

. . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . .

βœ…. . . I give up, just call me Shaolin, a monk with no life, and no love, no more . . . .

How do you know if you are in love? . . . .

. . . . .

βœ…. . . Stay at least 3 millions seconds or 3 million years, gather all the boxes of chocolate lust kisses,,

βœ…. . . do the eternal holy romantics garlic dance craze of boogie butt heart to heart communication, as you highlight your sexy nose hair, . . .

βœ…. . . . air guitar with air fried pizza donuts honey hops of love, clap 3 millions times,

βœ…. . .comment and penetrate deeper about how much my butt is growing bigger than your butt and how I need to buy bigger ass pants:

βœ…Thank you so much for being you! βœ…

βœ…Sushi Cocolate Love> > >Photo by Ricardo Honda on Unsplash



πŸš€ πŸš€ Manifestations of LOVE βœ…πŸΏ
The Love Pub

πŸš€ βœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit βœ… 🍿Are you going to eat that? βœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut βœ