Dr. Wayne Stein > Train the brain, donโ€™t drain your soul

๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€Poem: The Warrior of Happiness, Fighting for Joyous Luminosity, So Dance, Sing, and Laugh More๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€

How do you party?


Howdy friends,

since Medium will no longer pay me, and they owe me for past months, so please support my youtube channel. ..

It starts with love. . .

Listen to BTS > โ€œNot Todayโ€ while reading this.

BTS > Youtube

โ€œEmpty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.โ€
โ€• Bruce Lee


Please subscribe to my youtube Channel, click above, where Iโ€™m dressed as a ninja of the Golden Flower!

๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ Poem of Prayer for the Golden Flower of Luminosity ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€

entering . . .
walking into the dragon garden of fury . . .
. . . becoming fearless, . . . .

. . . knowing how to be kind. . .
defending thy inner sacred realms . . .
. . . . .appreciating hope and happiness . . .

setting up boundaries, smiling, dancing,
. . . . . . knowing that all is good. . .
pointing into the deepest realm of the
. . . . golden heart withing the spirit of the tiger of love . . .

becoming love, . . . .feeling pure and positive. . .
. . . .knowing that everything is going to be okay. . .

repeating this mantra trice . . .
. . . love thyself. . . love thyself. . . love thyself. . .

repeating again . . .
. . . love thyself. . . love thyself. . . love thyself. . .

repeating again . . .
. . . love thyself. . . love thyself. . . love thyself. . .

I love . . . . therefore I am. . . .

Thank you for reading this. . . I am going to start making movies, please support my youtube channel.

Do not clap 50 times. . . do not highlight, do not stay 30 seconds, and never comment, . . . .unless you want to. . . .

It starts with love. . . I love you all. . ..

Thank you for being you!

Listen to my Ted Talk Speech about Bruce Lee. . . and surviving cancer.

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash



๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations โœ…๐Ÿฟ
The Love Pub

๐Ÿš€ โœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit โœ… ๐ŸฟAre you going to eat that? โœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut โœ