Superpower- “Klingy”

The Love Pub
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2024


About the Superpowers you didn’t know you had. Are there no more Kling-ons?

Image by Author, Love

“Bangwl’ SoH. Bang Janluga’ YlbuS.” (Translates to “Love endures, love shall conquer all.”)

A romantic quote in Klingon

***Yes, I am also a Trekkie—well, not a full fledged one, but I do have a few friends who are. I would like to dedicate this article to my Star Trek brothers and sisters who have kept life at corporate bearable, as well as to my fellow readers who all have this superhero trait called, Klingy.

Definition of the word “clingy” per Merriam-Webster:

Tending to stay very close to someone for emotional support and protection.

Per my Exes:

I am overly dependent on a romantic relationship.

I have high expectations of the relationship.

A romantic relationship is a lie. There is no such thing as a romantic relationship. We don’t need to hold hands anywhere.

We don’t need to show affection in public.

History of the word (*Google)

The earliest known use of the adjective clingy is in the early 1700’s in a dictionary by John Kersey around 1708–15 to describe as someone being attached to and dependent to.

Stigma in society about being clingy: (*Google Reference)

Society may deem being “clingy” as a weakness and derogatory as someone who is clingy who may have suffocating relationships or feeling of being overwhelmed by the partner. This leads to feeling for the lack of personal space and independence causing strain in a relationship if one partner feels smothered.

Personal Thoughts:

I call “Klingy” a superpower trait!


Because if you can show affection, you can show love!

Everyone wants to feel they are loved.

I feel most alone when I don’t feel that someone loves me.

‘I have every bone in my body telling me that being “klingy” has been a lost trait and hand in hand so does intimacy in a romantic relationship. I can also describe this term as being “touchy feely”, and pride myself as having such a superpower trait.

However, I do firmly also believe that when you show affection and devotion towards a partner that strengthens the emotional bond of your relationship. And giving a relationship your all is all that matters.

In my experiences in romantic relationships, it is best to discuss the level of affection you both are expecting during the very first few weeks of your budding romantic relationship. When you communicate openly about your expectations while being in love, both partners will feel loved and supported without feeling restricted or overwhelmed.

Here is an activity I’d love everyone to participate in, please send your votes in your comments: I am going to name the things I do that makes me feel I have this superpower trait. Highlight the traits that resonate to you or if you have noticed this yourself within you, if these are the same acts of being a kling-on? Please highlight which statements resonate with you my fellow Klingons!

Let’s see if you do too possess this superpower trait:

  1. Holding hands during events, parties, while in the car driving to an event.
  2. Touching when we sleep, either having my hand on your chest while we sleep or having my hand touch yours or my leg touch yours while we sleep.
  3. I definitely want to hold your neck and have my fingers through your hair or neck when kissing. Definitely touching when kissing.
  4. Must be passionately kissing before making love.
  5. Cuddling is a must do each night and every morning.

Calling all “Kling-ons!” Do you agree that being “klingy” is a superpower?

What is your superpower, I’d love to hear from you!

Let me know if you enjoyed our activity. This is my way of getting to know you.




The Love Pub

Interconnectedness is a fundamental principle of the universe. It is referred to as "Oneness." Let's connect thru love and BE the change needed in this world.