The A-Team — 1980s TV Series

Lessons in Love and Positivity for Today’s World

Sammy Naicker
The Love Pub
5 min read2 days ago


Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Growing up in the 1980s, one of my favorite TV shows was “The A-Team.”

The action, camaraderie, and clever problem-solving kept my entire family and I glued to the screen on a Friday night. When I think about the series now, I realize that beyond the explosions, gun fire and daring rescues, “The A-Team” offered valuable lessons that can help us all today with love and positive energy.

All four main characters were so diverse in their roles; however, they were able to work together towards a common goal. We can all learn so much from them.

Hannibal Smith: The Power of Leadership and Strategy

John “Hannibal” Smith, the leader of the A-Team, always led from the front. His strategic brilliance and unwavering confidence made him the ultimate leader. Hannibal’s ability to devise complex plans and adapt to changing circumstances teaches us the importance of leadership and adaptability in life.

In today’s fast-paced world, effective leadership means staying calm under pressure, thinking critically, and inspiring others.

Hannibal’s catchphrase, “I love it when a plan comes together,” is a phrase I always will remember as Hannibal Smith was also my late father’s favourite character and my father use to say the exact same thing, Ï love it when a plan comes together.”

By striving to be a leader in our own lives, aiming to guide ourselves and others with a clear vision and a positive outlook, we can find a sense of purpose and direction.

I still remember the day George Peppard who played this character passed away. I was so sad as this character represented so much for me as a kid growing up in the eighties.

Templeton “Faceman” Peck: Charm and Resourcefulness

Templeton “Faceman” Peck, the team’s smooth talker, was always full of charm and resourcefulness. Faceman could talk his way out of any situation and was brilliant at acquiring the resources the team needed, often through unconventional means.

From Faceman, we can learn the value of resourcefulness and the power of positive communication. In a world where connections and networking are crucial, Faceman’s ability to build relationships and find creative solutions was invaluable.

His charm wasn’t just about getting what he wanted; it was about understanding people and using his skills to help the team succeed. We should all use Faceman’s approach in our daily interactions, fostering positive relationships and finding innovative solutions to our challenges.

Confidence is key!

He was always extremely confident with winning the heart of any girl he fancied.

B.A. Baracus: Strength and Compassion

A larger-than-life character, Bosco Albert “B.A.” Baracus, portrayed by the legendary Mr. T, was the muscle of the A-Team. Known for his physical strength and toughness, B.A. also had a compassionate side, particularly when it came to helping the underdog.

B.A.’s duality taught me that true strength lies not just in physical power but also in compassion and empathy.

It is very important to strive to embody B.A.’s spirit by standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and showing kindness even when it requires great effort.

B.A.’s catchphrase, “I pity the fool,” is a constant reminder of the importance of being a protector of the vulnerable and a champion of kindness.

H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock: Embracing Individuality and Creativity

H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock, the team’s eccentric pilot, was one of my favorites for his quirky personality and unorthodox methods. Despite being considered “crazy” by many, Murdock’s unique perspective often provided the team with unexpected solutions and out-of-the-box thinking.

Murdock taught me the importance of embracing individuality and creativity. In a society that often pressures us to conform, Murdock’s character encourages us to celebrate what makes us unique.

His ability to find joy in the little things and approach problems with a playful mindset reminds me that creativity and positivity can transform even the most challenging situations.

I must admit I think it was Murdock who got me into loving helicoptors and flying in general. He just made everything in life so much fun. Big or small, it was all about enjoying the moment when it came to Murdock.

By channeling our inner Murdock, we can tackle life’s obstacles with a smile and an open mind.

The A-Team: A Model for Teamwork and Positivity

The A-Team exemplifies the power of teamwork and the importance of bringing together diverse talents and perspectives. Each member contributed something unique, and it was their combined efforts that led to their success.

We need to take inspiration from the A-Team by recognizing the value of collaboration and mutual support.

Collaboration is key! The key to ultimate success!

Surrounding ourselves with people who compliment our strengths and weaknesses creates a balanced and effective team. By working together with love, respect, and positive energy, we can achieve more than we ever could alone.

Applying The A-Team Principles to Modern Life

The principles demonstrated by the A-Team are timeless and can be applied to various aspects of modern living:

  • Leadership and Strategy: Like Hannibal, we must work on developing strong leadership skills and strategic thinking to navigate life more effectively.
  • Resourcefulness and Communication: By channeling Faceman, we can enhance our ability to connect with others and find innovative solutions.
  • Strength and Compassion: B.A. should remind us to combine strength with empathy, advocating for kindness in all our actions.
  • Individuality and Creativity: Embracing Murdock’s spirit, we must celebrate our uniqueness and approach challenges with a creative mindset.

“The A-Team” offers more than just nostalgia; it provides valuable lessons in love, positivity, and the power of a well-rounded, supportive team. By integrating these principles into our daily lives, we can create a more compassionate, innovative, and harmonious world.

A world much needed in today’s chaos!

So, let’s channel our inner Hannibal, Faceman, B.A., and Murdock, and watch our own plans come together with love and positive energy.

As I sign off, I leave you below with the opening theme song from “The A Team”. This music is such a feel-good tune.

Enjoy! And take care.

The A-Team opening credits and Theme Song



Sammy Naicker
The Love Pub

Writer,Entrepreneur-focusing on Self Help,Entrepreneurship,Motivation,Health and Fitness. Catch me here :