Reaching For The Moon

Kay Dewar
Love Living Longer
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2024
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My grandmother used to say ”While shooting for the moon you could miss all the shiny stars along the way”. There is a great truth here. Not that I think it’s a bad thing to try and achieve anything your heart desires, far from it. However, if you don’t take time out, and learn to appreciate the little pleasures and opportunities in life, you might get to the moon but have missed the wonder of life along the way. Take time for family and friends, take long walks along the beach and through the forest, and get a little sun on your face.

There is a great treasure found in our mature years. Treasure that is often beyond our sight when we are younger.

It’s a shame we can’t see these gems earlier, but the dust clears as we age. What others think doesn’t matter so much, we are generally more comfortable in our own skin, and have come to terms with who we are. We also have a great deal to offer from our vast life experiences, our failures, and our successes, our heartaches and joys give us a great depth of wisdom.

Fill that cup

Sometimes we’re not aware of this change as it can come gradually and often indiscernibly. If we’re unfortunate enough not to have reached this stage and are still stuck in searching for a gold mine, or to become famous, or have adoring fans everywhere we go, eternal youth, ravishing beauty, it might help if we take some time out and do a little introspection. It could be that we’ve had those things and they have lost their glitter, introspection could still be the key. Look inside and see how far you’ve come, what you have learned, and what you have to offer. No matter how our life has been we all have something to offer, even if it’s more about what not to do. How would you feel if your life hadn’t been so good, and getting into your older years you could help someone avoid some of your mistakes, or you were there as a support through a difficult time, or perhaps you could write a book?

You might be surprised to find that in giving of yourself you become happier.

Be present.

“I’m here aren’t I?” To be present means to be fully aware in the moment. More often than not we go about our daily activities in a distracted manner, Our minds are elsewhere instead of on what we are doing. We are not fully present. In that state we can’t give our full attention, we are more prone to errors, and misunderstandings, and we miss out on the full pleasure and meaning of what we are doing.

When we are young we are so busy building our lives, raising a family, or pursuing a career we can miss out on taking time just for ourselves and being fully present.

It is wonderful, that in our mature age, we can experience what we might have missed out on during our journey to the moon, and now touch those tiny stars. When this is something we have never done in our adult life it can take time to relearn. I think we forget how. As little children, we instinctively know how to be present, the pleasure of rolling in the grass, being totally absorbed in building a sand castle, or running just for the pure joy of it.

If we haven’t developed a habit of being present right through our lives now is a perfect time.

Sticks and Stones

The old children’s nursery rhyme, “ Sticks and Stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you” was taught to children when I was young as a defense against bullying. I’ve come to realise that worrying about the words and thoughts of others is a soul destroying habit. They can hurt you, but only if you let them. It’s up to you. Although I reassured myself with this rhyme many times over my life, it is only now that I more easily dismiss what others might say, and think about me, that I live my life as suits me, not someone else. I know without a doubt that they can’t hurt me and when someone’s words cut deep as they sometimes do, I remind myself of this little rhyme and know that I am OK.

My skin fits me

I know who I am and what my limitations and abilities are. I know what I love and what to avoid. I feel blessed that I have reached this stage of my life. No, I haven’t reached the moon and I did miss some joy in getting to this point by trying to be someone and something I wasn’t. Maybe that’s the point. You will certainly miss the stars if you are trying to fit into someone else’s skin.

You don’t have to wait until you are old to enjoy the stars. Know that the journey is fast and what is past is gone. While aiming for the moon, stop to fill that cup, be present, enjoy the small pleasures, and most importantly don’t try to be someone you are not.



Kay Dewar
Love Living Longer

I love to write. As an elder my life experiences and continual learning, have enabled me to talk about some of lifes lessons, good and bad.