Hello, Sunshine…Did you dream last night?

Michelle Crider
Love Notes from Mom
Aug 12, 2022


Photo by Zwaddi on Unsplash

Good morning, my Sunshine…

How did you sleep?

Did you dream in the depths of night? What do you remember?

Will you delve into your creative dream-state today and claim what is rightfully yours, at the center of your heart, at the core of your soul?

I hope that you do.

I dare you, my dear. Go, claim your dream. See it. Hear it call your name.

Know I’m here. With all the prayers and intentions of support you need.

Go, my love. Into the day, dreaming at hand, claiming all you desire.

xoxo, mom



Michelle Crider
Love Notes from Mom

Author of Fear and Musings: A Journey from Anxiety to Peace… She's a mama, wife, poet and yoga teacher (RYT500)...Learn More @ elkmountainwellness.com