For the Love of Lists: Weekly Highlights

Just a few of the things I found to be highlight-worthy last week and the stories where you can find them

Melinda Crow
For the Love of Lists
3 min readSep 20, 2021


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Do one thing well and watch it compound. ~ James Clear Quoted in The Paradox of Choice When It Comes to Entrepreneurial Projects by Madison Schott

One day, the algorithm on one platform will defeat you.

But if we join every single platform, and produce content for every single one of them, we’re never doing any of them very well. ~ From Content Creators — Diversify Before It’s Too Late by Ellen McRae

So let me spell out what it takes to become a successful writer. There are three elements. The first is that you’re highly intelligent. Don’t even begin to think that average intelligence cuts it. It…



Melinda Crow
For the Love of Lists

30-year freelancer. Found on: Newsweek, The Points Guy, Cruise Critic, MSN Travel, Writing Cooperative. Falcon Guide author.