Marriage on the Blockchain
Love Coins
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2018

Marriage Equality still has a long way to go.

Great strides have been taken by countries all over the world, however, until global adoption and recognition is obtained, there will still be a strong campaign to support the cause. This enormous community comprises of a passionate and powerful group. Further to that, supporters are themselves, falling in love and hoping to marry.

Although certain Governments or entities may not recognize or accept their desires to marry or love each other, nothing can stop the power of love.

Whether it is a gestural wedding in a country that rejects newlyweds, or simply a Facebook post to inform the community of their intentions to be together… the mental bind of marriage is what is most important. Despite that, however, public recognition or a certificate obtained from a registrar still holds an element of importance due to the feeling of legitimacy. Hence, the search continues to find the solution to obtaining “legitimacy”.

Imagine an alternate reality where the new standard of Marriage Registration could be achieved on a global scale without discrimination? Where the overall consensus of the globe is in favour of Marriage Equality? Well.. it doesn’t have to be an alternate reality, thanks to blockchains and blockchain technology.

Meet Jennifer

Jennifer is a 30-year-old musician whom most of her friends would describe as an average woman with dreams and desires no more far-fetched than their own.

Jen is a modest and quiet person that couldn’t think of anything more frightening than facing conflict regardless of her right to stand up for herself.

Her life has involved confronting the idea that society and legal entities will not allow her to do what others have been able to do for years — to get married to the person they love. The emotional frustration that she experiences is compounded every anniversary she shares with her partner as they are reminded that their love can never be bound legally or legitimately, for eternity.

Hearing good news from other countries provides Jen a bittersweet reprieve as she understands a similar outcome in her home state and country is far out of reach.

Not all is as gloomy as Jen thinks.

Blockchain technology enables a distributed ledger to accept registrations of Jen’s commitment to marry her partner. This registration can then be secured and maintained for eternity without the capability to remove, modify or censor. Regardless of Government disapproval or desire to censor.

The reason for these advantages are due to the characteristics of blockchain technology and nature by which data is secured within it, on a global scale. This same set of characteristics is why Ethereum and Bitcoin continue to challenge the financial industry without fear of being taken down by the Banks themselves.

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of couples in Jen’s situation.

Love Platform (a smart contract that uses the Ethereum Blockchain) aims to lead the way in offering eternal marriage bindings that are secured on the blockchain. They are tamper proof from governments or central entities and do not discriminate like the aforementioned parties currently do.

Blockchain in general, is a technological advancement that has emerged as one of the most exciting and disruptive developments in recent times. Its decentralised nature and rate of adoption has provided a significant wake-up calls to industries that employ a “middle-man”.

Think of a Marriage Registrar as a middle-man. You visit the registrar, you register your marriage, you leave. The Marriage Registrar is then visited by entities wishing to understand or verify the authenticity of a couples marriage. These Registrars exist in every country and in some instances, every state. All of the potential interactions that a Marriage Registrar can have, could instead be done by a program. A program such as an Ethereum Smart Contract.

Imagine instead, that you visit Love Platform, a global Marriage Registrar that is hosted “nowhere, but everywhere” by the decentralised nature of the blockchain. Instead of interacting with a company or a government agency, you are interacting with a program, or, better described as a smart contract.

You inform the smart contract that you wish to marry your partner. This contract does not discriminate upon age, race, gender or species. It recognises your wishes and eternally stores record of your event for everyone to see and for no one to change. This is powerful stuff.

We’ll post further articles describing the intricacies of how such a thing can proliferate around the globe, but for the moment we invite you to reflect on this concept and encourage you to dream big.

What is Love Platform you may ask ?

A platform specifically set up to facilitate Blockchain Marriages as a decentralised, global registrar. Love Platform sees the opportunity to bring the Marriage Equality community what it needs.

Visit specifically in the Platform Services location to read more.


Love Coins
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Developing a unique decentralised solution for human connection.