What is spell casting/traditional healing?

Tamale Adrian
Love spells casting
1 min readMar 10, 2020

A spell, charm, incantation, bewitchery formula that unique people can perform. Spell casting considered the process of caring out a bewitchery formula to achieve a specific goal. These magical activities and rituals have been practiced in my linage an ancestors. But unlike stage magic the magic I perform has real life consequences and effect on day to activities as well as future prospects.

Traditional healing on the other hand is the same as spell casting but is solely based on tradition, culture and norms. I too Chief Kumbe perform healing and solving peoples issues with help of my ancestral spirits.



Tamale Adrian
Love spells casting

Traditional healing is a remedy that has proven its worth throughout the lengths of time. African witchcraft among them. Explore https://no1superlovespells.com