Beauty will save the world

Or: Loving you is the easiest thing

Åsmund Seip
2 min readDec 16, 2013

You’ve been on my mind for a long, long time. You. And me. Us. Is there an “us”, or am I alone here? My feelings for you are getting increasingly stronger. Yet strongly, I’ve kept them hidden away, unable to trust. But now, now I have faith. There is no turning back, there is only you and me, for ever. I can’t keep it inside any longer. It’s time.

I love you.

My dear friend. There is nothing compared to your beauty. The way you smile, the way your eyes meet the world, meet life. Your laughter. Your body. Your entire being. There is something remarkable about you. Something unique. Unlike anyone I’ve ever met, or ever will meet. You shine. You simply shine.

I love you when you get up in the morning. When you can’t sleep at night. I love you when you haven’t yet had your coffee, I love you when you’re a grumpy old fart, I love your temper. I love the stormy winds. And I love your calm. When you don’t see me seeing you.

I love your scars and your story. I fall and I fall for you, for your way of getting up again and again. And yet again. It is rough, I know it is. I don’t take you for granted. Life does sometimes feel like a battle. Being human is not always a graceful dance, and still your very steps are the ones bringing you to where you are today. Full of experience, of value. I love you for who you are.

You are the one I love! When you overachieve to prove your self-worth — I love you. When you’re filled with shame and you try to hide it — I love you. When you’re beaten down and have nothing left to give, least of all to yourself — I love you. When you hit all your chords and break through the box you thought you were in — I love you. When you go to bed after an ordinary, unsensational day — I love you.

It’s time, and it most likely always was. It was just me. I tend to forget what matters. I looked at everything else as important, and I started running, and I ran and ran and ran. But I never won. And now, when nothing is left to loose, nothing is neither left to win.

There is only you and me. There is no turning back.

My dear friend. There is nothing compared to your beauty. Thank you for being you. I love you.



Åsmund Seip

Love Everything (Coach, writer, human being. Oslo, Norway.) @asmunds