The problem with online coaches…

Sarah Lloyd
3 min readJun 20, 2024

I want to tell you a story.

One that might ring true for you, or certainly open your eyes to something that is going on in the online space.

Once upon a time, there was a woman and all she wanted was to be seen for who she truly was. She had, after months of getting crickets, realised that the online space wasn’t what it once was.

The people had gotten fatigued and fed up with yet another person selling their wares.

So she decided to try a different path. One that involved speaking on stages, being at events in real life and networking with likeminded individuals.

It was all going swimmingly, all she had to do was pay to turn up and be her best self.

Then disaster struck.

The woman’s mother fell desperately ill.

It was touch and go for the first 48 hours.

So the woman decided to clear her diary of all the networking and speaking events she had paid for that was taking place during those first critical hours.

Knowing she would not be showing up as her best self; and knowing she would need to redistribute her funds due to loss of earnings for making the only choice available to her — which was to spend time with her ill mother — she decided to ask the organisers for refunds.

I mean this was actually a life and death situation — surely these heart led sparkly spiritual organisers would refund the money spent on these opportunities?

Well I am sorry to say dear reader, that sadly this was not the case.

And this is not a happy ending for this particular woman.

One event — which ironically was a ‘Wealth and Abundance’ Summit shared with the woman “the small print ‘no refunds”; and another refused to refund a speaking opportunity on the basis it was too late to get another speaker at short notice.

The woman lost over £300 as a result of her mother falling ill.

Now I realise this IS business.

BUT… Where is the humility and understanding here?

The woman on this occasion has had to suck this up, because she didn’t at the time have the energy to fight it.

But what she does want to share is some of these spaces, created for heart-led women, for heart-led women have no integrity or empathy for another woman in need.

Correct me if I am wrong…

But it seems that these spaces or women don’t care about you really. This is not the new way of doing business at all — its the old way in a pair of red soled shoes.

These spaces only care for and look after themselves and their trusted circle.

They have made their 6 figures, booked in for their tummy tucks and jetted round the world, and they need to maintain it, to pay for their teams who make them look good— and thats ok — I would never want to see any of these amazing teams not be paid because they do an amazing job.

These spaces have become the very thing some of them despise and bad mouth. I mean, the corporates that treat you as a number… the mean girl groups that excluded them at school… the bullies that stole the lunch money…

I mean where is compassion for the human condition; when did empathy leave the building?

Why can’t you just let me have my £120 back…that’s one weeks food shop in my house.

Some of us are trying to make an honest living, put food on the table and be there for our poorly relatives.

Some of us are still pulling the wool over your ever loving eyes.



Sarah Lloyd

Mum mastering Communications. 25 year in Branding and PR industry.