Jeromme Graham
Love Story
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2015


$300 For A Blowjob?

“$300 for a blowjob?”

Standing at the urinal, that was the last thing I expected to hear.

“I’ll give you $300 for a blowjob.”

I looked up and saw a guy standing two urinals away from me. Maybe 5'6", solid build, dark and judging by the accent probably Guyanese or Trinidadian. We locked eyes for a second, confirming that it was indeed him giving the offer. I glanced down to see that he was indeed standing at the urinal with his fully erect member in his hands.

“So, what you saying? I’ve got the money. $300.”

This was a big moment for me. You see, as a hyper sexual youth, I had always fantasized about being a high class escort, luxuriating with wealthy clients that were willing to spend a fortune for my company. I certainly didn’t imagine I’d be propositioned like this in a shopping mall public bathroom. To my surprise, I was actually entertaining the offer. I was 18, in college and not working at the time, so $300 would go a long way.

I sighed.

“Look, I’ll blow you, but not here.”

Yup, I told him I’d do it. I’d hoped that throwing in that I wouldn’t blow him in the bathroom would be a deterrent. Nope, this guy was determined. He nodded knowingly, as if this wasn’t the first time he’d been in this situation.

“There’s another bathroom on the lower level that really doesn’t get any traffic. We can do it there.”

I shrugged my shoulders and left the urinals. Just try to stay focused on the money. I found myself following the guy out the bathroom, keeping a distance as he felt it would look too suspicious if we were seen walking together. My heart was beating out of my chest the nearer we got to this “private” bathroom.

After a few minutes, I followed him into the bathroom and couldn’t find him. Had my eyes deceived me? Surely, he couldn’t have vanished. It was then that I noticed a pair of sneaker clad feet peaking out from underneath a stall.

“Just give me a minute,” he said. “And then we can get down to business.”

I could tell by the island twang that it was indeed the generous stranger, but was he doing? As I tried to connect the dots and put two and two together, the tell tale sounds of a bowel movement in progress smacked me in the face. The dude is taking a dump! Seriously! Did I really need the money that badly? I’ve got to have standards, right?

Slowly, I backed out of the bathroom. I just couldn’t go through with it. I tried to walk at a pace where I could put some distance between us, but not draw attention to myself. That wasn’t the last time I was offered money to fool around, but it definitely changed my opinion on whether or not I’d accept an offer like that.



Jeromme Graham
Love Story

Wannabe writer. Lover of Pop-Tarts. Hopefully, you like my stuff.