An Open Letter To Katy Perry & Taylor Swift — Enough Is Enough

Ted Gross
Love Story
Published in
7 min readAug 13, 2015

Dear Ms. Perry & Ms. Swift:

No, neither of you know me. Nor do I know you. Right up front I will also admit that though I appreciate your musical abilities, and think each one of you have a unique voice and the ability to add something positive and possibly “great” to the annals of music, I am just your average, perhaps below average music consumer, who follows songs and lyrics. Though I happen to love some of Ms. Perry’s songs and some of Ms. Swift’s songs.

I have also written about you Ms. Swift. In a recent article of mine here on Medium, 8 Lessons that Technologists & Social Media Marketers Can Learn from Taylor Swift, I praised you for your public persona and social media powers. I ended that piece by saying the way that Ms. Swift handles herself in the limelight is something to respect and emulate. I wrote the piece, which to my surprise went viral, from Medium and LinkedIn (where it was titled: Why I Became A Devoted & Passionate Fan Of Taylor Swift), from a technology & social media point of view. I also wrote the piece from a human perspective, and I felt that worthy acts should be noted and praised.

I did not get a chance to write an article about you, Ms. Perry. Yet, that in no way should mean I have not grown to respect how you have managed your career and musical powers. In short, in my mind you are both equal and both incredibly talented — which makes this letter so much harder to write.

There is no way to tell how much of this recent public feud you two are warring about and all it’s permutations is true or fable. Did two friends have a falling out or is this all media hype for more attention and sales? Indeed with the constant additions of media hype in regard to Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber and all the rest of this dysfunctional celebrity drama, where “revenge” has become the beginning and end of all goals, the whole play has become wearisome and incredibly disappointing.

Actually it is not even important anymore whether any of this is pure media hype or real. Because by your silence on these matters, Ms. Perry and Ms. Swift, you have both become culpable.

The idea of “revenge” has been around since the dawn of humanity. It is not something which should be raised to a pinnacle and held aloft in pride. Yes, Shakespeare wrote about it. Dumas wrote about it in “The Count Of Monte Cristo”. Even television got into the act, with the recent series “Revenge”. So it is safe to say that we all know what revenge is and the possible consequences of embarking upon its destructive road. As in the oft-used quote:

“While seeking revenge, dig two graves — one for yourself.”

So I don’t get it. On one hand, you Ms. Swift, offer wonderful advice to your fans. You stand by their side, and you tell them you feel their pain. Was it not you Ms. Swift, who wrote the words below when a fan spoke of her fear and pain on Tumblr? Where is the woman who wrote these words when someone needs to stand up and say, “Enough is enough. Forget revenge.”

Ms. Perry, you have a reputation for tapping into musical genius and also taking care of your fans. Every word and tweet becomes a matter of public record and scrutiny.

Whether you like it or not, and I assume you both do love it, you are public idols. You have fan bases that are young and listen to every word and utterance which comes out from both of you. For the most part you seemed (past tense on purpose) to have taken that responsibility seriously. And make no mistake it is a grave responsibility.

So, since when has writing “revenge lyrics”, “revenge songs” and creating “revenge videos” become a positive educational ploy for your fan base? Since when has “revenge lyrics” become synonymous with great music? Since when should the saying “do a Taylor” on someone come to mean “write a revenge song”? Since when has this become the pinnacle of what you should both be striving for and teaching your fans?

Let us be clear. Right now with this ridiculous feud being played out between the both of you in the press, (along with all the other “revenge” permutations), and neither of you actually standing up like an adult to put a complete stop to it, here is what you are teaching millions of young minds:

1. If someone hurts you, then you are well within your rights to take revenge.

2. Revenge is best served by the person who is most famous.

3. It is okay to have childish feuds, because hell, isn’t that what all famous creative people do?

4. It is fine to vilify, embarrass and humiliate others in public, well, because, you were hurt by some perceived action. So there!

Mixed messages is one thing. However, acting & writing one way, and then doing the exact opposite certainly leads those watching to question the authenticity of any statement. I assume you are both aware that teaching others by your actions that “revenge” is a good and even justified endeavor, is one step from actual bullying. As those who do take revenge whether for a real or perceived misdeed, usually become the bully themselves.

Songwriters have been writing about love lost and gone, way before we were born and they will continue to attempt to put that pain into words for decades to come. Yes, lost love, or being jilted is a horrible, painful experience. Losing friendship is also a horrible, painful experience. Yet it is not the only painful experience one can have. It is not even close. I am sure you both know this. I am sure you both are mature enough to understand there is a great deal more to pain and life than just love going bad.

Why then, are two such respected and uniquely talented individuals, who have the ability to teach so many wonderful and positive lessons to their fans, involved in such a petty and stupid argument? Why do we only read now about how this song is being written about getting revenge on X, and this video to get revenge on Y?

I beg of you both — Stop for a moment and think. Think about the message you are sending with your actions. Think about all the good you both have done and are doing, being wiped away by some silly, petty acts which only degrade your music in the long run.

Would one of you please swallow your pride, pick up the phone to the other, in private, and just have a conversation to work out your differences. If not for yourselves then do it for your fans and the people who look up to you. If you really cannot work this out, then at least agree to disagree, and keep the snide remarks and pranks out of the public eye. You are supposed to be role models for these children. Right now you are destroying an amazing amount of good you both have done in this area.

One other really important point. It does not matter a bit who is at fault, who was wronged, what they did, when they did it, why they did it and on and on we can go. It only matters that this and all other future statements on revenge and jibes are put to rest. It only matters that you both once again become worthy of the love and respect your fans unconditionally give you.

Take a couple of hours. Listen to some of the great lyrics by Dylan, Harry Chapin, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, R.E.M. (just to cover the generations). Concentrate on producing a great song, music and lyrics.

Give us, your public, the genius we know you have.

Write about your pain, but not for revenge. Write about it, sing about it — because that pain makes you into who you are. Don’t let it destroy you or your fans. Let it force even more creativity from both of you.

Taylor Swift. Katy Perry. Put the feud to rest. Get off your revenge kick. Be the role models you were meant to be. Let your talent and musical genius express itself.

Truly, enough is enough. So go out, Shake It Off & Roar!

From a faithful fan of your music.


About the Author: Ted Gross is an author of literary fiction, children’s books and various non-fiction articles. His short story collection, “Ancient Tales, Modern Legends” has received excellent reviews. He also served as a CTO for many years with an expertise in database technology, PHP and OOP. Ted can be reached via email:; Twitter (@tedwgross); LinkedIn; Medium & just about any other communication platform you desire :)



Ted Gross
Love Story

Futurist, AI Architect, Lecturer & Teacher. CEO & CoFounder of If-What-If a Startup in AI Architecture & the Metaverse. Published in various Academic Journals.