Dogs are born with three legs...

Lisa Davis
Love Story
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2015

…the fourth is just a spare.

That’s what our Vet told us, turns out it’s true.

Three-legged Bella, enjoying the morning sun. Happy, healthy and full of life.

Three months after surgery, life is back to normal for Bella, taking it all in her stride with three legs, not four!

We discovered that our adorable English Staffordshire Terrier, Bella had a tumor on her right front leg and the only option was amputation.

While she was in doggy hospital I Googled all manner of transport assistance devices for her such as a trolley, strap on wheels, prosthetic leg etc. I was worried she would not be able to move around and that I would be taking care of a disabled dog and I didn't know how to.

Removing the limb was a worry for me — not for Bella, she just took it in her stride.

Coming home

I tenderly nursed her on my lap in the car on the way home from the Vet while my husband drove slowly to avoid bumps in the road, fearful we may hurt her and her tender little stump.

We underestimated the power of our little dog’s will and determination.

What we learned

The first lessonhome is where is the heart is.

The first thing Bella did when we arrived home was gently balance on three legs, then she made a mad dash for the backyard.

She was bursting to relieve herself. She was happy to be home on the back lawn. With three legs or four, when nature calls, it’s time to go!

The second lessonlet her set the rules.

I had a very comfortable mattress on the floor for her to sleep on, worried that her normal bed would be too high for her, turns out her normal bed was exactly what she wanted.

She refused her new low-to-the-ground bed and chose to hobble to her old bed. I guess she was telling me to stop fussing.

The third lesson — “well, if you really want to pamper me, I’m not going to stop you.”

Since she was now operating on 75% capacity, I thought she would like to rest and take it easy so I introduced her drinking bowl alongside her inside bed. That was a hit!

Hobbling to the backyard is only reserved for potty breaks now, anything it seems can be moved inside and she is happy to bask in the new arrangement.

It’s now only a very short wobble over to the water bowl and back into bed. I had a win!

The fourth lessonkeep the exercise up.

Give your amputee a good length of time to rest and get used to three legs.

Reassure your dog that they are loved and cared for and they will be taken care of — it goes without saying doesn't it?

Two or three weeks after surgery when the stitches are out and the Vet has checked your dog over to make sure the healing process is well on its way, be sure to slowly involve your three-legged friend in normal activity and that means walk time! Fresh air, interaction with other dogs, all those smells and freedom. Don’t over do it though, just a gentle walk at first then let your dog set the pace. You will know when tiredness sets in, then it’s time to go home. Don’t push it.

Thanks goes to…

I am forever thankful to my in-laws for taking care of Bella for the first few weeks after surgery.

Bella stayed with them on their farm where she received 24-hour, seven-days-a-week care and supervision. My husband and I work full-time and would not have been able to ensure Bella was safe and happy at home during the day while we were at work. I didn't want to leave her at home, all alone.

Their property is large with lots of open space to gently roam around and play with the farm dogs. It is doggy heaven there and I’m sure Bella’s quick recovery was because of that.

It’s a dogs life

Be gentle, have patience and love your pets with all your heart, especially when they need you the most.

Our Bella has taught me so much about resilience and determination, that worrying and complaining is a waste of energy and fear stops you only if you let it.

If Bella could write she would tell you …

“If only my human Mother would stop worrying about me, I don’t need four legs, three is just fine. My hind quarters have developed extra muscle and when we are at the park I love to run, she can’t even catch me, I’m still as quick as lightning. Life is great and back to normal! Who needs four legs anyway? Just saying.”



Lisa Davis
Love Story

Enjoying life everyday … there is so much more than we know.