You found me.

Love Story
Published in
7 min readJun 24, 2015

(Actually, I let you).

It’s been like 2 months and a bit more of non-stop texting. We literally cannot go one fucking day without even saying hello or whatever. He may have already amounted 1G of conversation on my whatsapp on his own. ‘Kay, that’s a first.

67 days ago.

  • *Enter cute but lame introduction here*. [note to self: so happy he has no clue I have this blog XD] So yeah, that’s how he came to me, by some cute but lame, very lame introduction. He scored good by admitting he had no idea of how to introduce himself, though.
  • Enter the power of the woman. I could’ve totally said ‘oh screw it I’m too lazy to answer’ (as I always do, heh) but now. Maybe some of my neurones were like ‘hey he does sound interesting’. Thefuck do I know. So I reply in my very bad Italian (hey, it was April!) and ask for a Spanish conversation (yes, I’m blessed in meeting people who can speak more than just Italian).
  • Enter his patience to my trilingual answer (I do use most English in any other language ahahaha) because it turns out he despises English. Oddio.
  • Enter my sassiness because I’m a brat.

65 days ago.

  • I find out he’s been to my country. He actually loved it. This is the first time I’ve ever felt patriotic. He just made me proud of my country! Viva Bolivia, yey!

64 days ago.

  • He said I’m nice.
  • I completely overlooked that detail until now.
  • He talks about the city.
  • I answer about the traffic and bring the aperitif of Friday to the conversation.
  • He’s never been to one in Milan but he’s willing since I’m going.

Maybe I should’ve been keener in seeing the obvious signs, right?

61 days ago.

  • Lateness should be my third name.
  • Wait, he’s actually very cute.
  • Why am I feeling so nervous? It’s not like I care…
  • He’s coming to talk to me. Did he see me staring? OHMYGOD!

We officially meet. He has a very bratty smile. I like that. Wait, what?… I have a type, you know? Thor-looking people. I mean Thor as in Chris Hemsworth. This dude is more like Loki. I meant Tom Hiddleston. Wait, what did he say?

  • He just said I was being provocative. I look at myself. I’m just wearing high heels, skinny jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt. Nothing fancy. Is he insinuating I flirted?! Please…
  • His dark eyes are intriguing. DID I JUST LOOK AT HIS EYES?
  • I know better than this. Avoid the fucking eyes. Dammit.

I excuse myself, say I need a drink. He follows. I remember I have some cigarettes in my purse, so I say I need to smoke outside. Oh, the bastard is a smoker too!

  • The predator is eyeing his prey.
  • I swear by God I’m not flirting. I don’t even know how! I’m over conscious.

We get back inside. I’m extra nervous. Wait, I don’t remember being this nervous ever since I had the BAC at school.

  • I pull out a very brat-like reply.
  • He takes a handful of my hair and pulls.
  • I freeze as I blush. I BLUSHED. Thank God it’s not very illuminated in there!
  • I crack a smile. He’s already playing.
  • Whoa that escalated quickly. I’m nervous. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do next. I don’t want to fuck it up. I look to one of my friends. They’re leaving for the after. I could ask him to join us, but no. I’m way too nervous. I’m not, I can’t, I just — Yeah, forget it.
  • I wait until the very end, when there’s nothing to do about it, to tell him that I’m going to this friend’s house with the group and so sorry he couldn’t come but so glad I met him. BYE!

60 days ago.

  • I wake up to a whatsapp from him. He really enjoyed meeting me.
  • Oh whoa, yeah me too. Is he actually doing a follow up here?
  • Again with the provocative comment.
  • You wanted provocation? Here goes your provocation.

Never tempt the beast, especially if they know you like playing the piano and they happen to own one in their home. Along with a cane and other kinky instruments you’re bound to like. Never tempt the beast.

57 days ago.

  • I started to feel homesick. He’s talking to me so he’s the one who ends up having that bit of intel about me.
  • He responds by sending me some pictures he took of my country. This bastard knows what he’s doing…

32 days ago.

We have been whatsapping like addicts and now it’s the aperitivo once again. This time though, I did ask him to ask the house owner if he could tag along.

  • His voice is quite sexy. Wait, WHAT?
  • I can barely recall what we talked about except I introduced him to some of my friends.
  • Okay, time to go. So normal destination is the metro station. But no, wait. He has a car.

I feel stupid. Normally I get those informations before being startled with them. Thefuck is he doing to me…

28 days ago.

  • Come to Bergamo.
  • I scream, ecstatic. PIANO, BITCHES!

25 days ago.

  • Oh shit I can’t, I have my period.
  • Come anyway.
  • Wait, W-H-A-T?

I underestimated his affection for me!

24 days ago.

  • I have died and managed to get to heaven.
  • This guy is pretty intelligent and very good at hiding it. He’s really a great tour guide.
  • He even has some very nice cooking skills.
  • And his library is fucking amazing. I want to steal all his books.
  • He even lets me play the piano all I want when I should be helping him make dinner since I was the one who suggested to eat at home.

Time to play.

  • I’m fucking nervous. Piano, where are you? There!
  • Come here.
  • No way.
  • I said come here.
  • …mmokay…

Time to talk.

  • I’ve never told anyone this…
  • Me neither…

25 days ago.

  • I don’t want to wake up.
  • M0(%#*($#(%#Y($%#(… *against the pillow*
  • What time is it again?
  • 7?
  • Oh ok, more sleep!

I never felt so comfortable sleeping with someone. But hear this out. I never felt so happy waking up to someone, and realising I never wanted to leave that bed again.

  • I poke him.
  • He grunts.
  • I poke again. I mean, I’m a brat, it’s what I do.
  • He takes my hand to him and keeps on sleeping. He’s so cute I want to puke rainbows and teddy bears over candy colored pink fields of marshmallows. Can I do that please?
  • … You alive?
  • *grunts against the pillow*
  • I’m hungry…
  • He looks at me. Of course he thought about breakfast.
  • I smile faintly as I admit I’m hungry of something else and then hide my face on the pillow.
  • OH. Stop being so bratty.

I think I love you already. I’ve never wanted to do that on my own will. I’ve never wanted to give without receiving anything in return. I’m well aware last night was all about me but fuck it, you enjoyed it immensely as well so I’m forgiven. But now, it’s like I’m the one who wants to pamper you with aftercare. What. The. Fuck. Have. You. Done. To. Me.

  • I’m hungry and in the piano. He’s preparing breakfast.
  • Come here.
  • Ok.
  • Take this off.
  • Cosaaaa?
  • Off, now.
  • Did I do something wrong? Is he going to put me outside like this?
  • Get on the table. Not that way, the other.
  • Not getting it here, Houston.
  • Hands on your back.
  • What the —
  • You said you were hungry? He smirks.
  • Pheeeeeew, now I see your point.

  • I’ve never…!
  • I blink. Me neither. I fucking swear to God. Me neither. Ever. Oh.My.God.

  • I’m playing the piano. I’m even singing. I never sing in front of people! I’m singing to him! OHMYGOD!
  • He’s laying on the sofa, enjoying.
  • I swear I could do this forever. Somehow I know he feels the same.
  • You know eventually we have to get lunch.
  • I know.
  • Yeah…
  • Can you play this one too?
  • Yes Sir!

  • Train station. I don’t want to go.
  • Oh, you can keep the penguin.
  • For real?
  • Sure, give it a better life.
  • YEY I HAVE A PENGUIN! Does it do something?
  • Wait don’t squee —
  • *enter some serious chants of hell that make everybody in the street look at us* oops?
  • You’re such a baby, he fusses.
  • Yeah, but you like it. I’m trotting my penguin like a Céline.
  • He smiles.

16 days ago.

  • You missed my birthday. You missed me crying like an abandoned child until it was time to fake a smile and go for it anyway.
  • It’s not my fault, it’s the work —
  • I know. That doesn’t make it even less painful…

14 days ago.

  • He called for the first time.
  • I’m not getting off this cloud any time soon!

10 days ago.

  • He called me before going to sleep.
  • I’ve never slept so good before.

5 days ago.

  • Come to Bergamo for my birthday.
  • Gladly :).
  • And then we’ll go to my parents.
  • Wait, W-H-A-T?! ODDIO!

  • Do you know how to give a massage?
  • Uh, sure. *enter super sexy massage I had no idea I was capable of giving*.
  • God you’re amazing.
  • *enter brat’s proud smile here*.

  • Thanks for the ride…
  • Thank you for our time.
  • *enter bratty behaviour in order to steal a kiss*
  • He breaks the kiss. Then he kisses me again.
  • I love this bratty dom too.

I swear I certainly did not see that meet-the-parents one coming.


  • I just checked we have 232 files under media on whatsapp.
  • I already have his birthday present.
  • He showed me mine and I adore it, can’t wait to get my hands on it!
  • He sends voice messages, I write.
  • It’s crazy and adorable.
  • I love you. I love you. I love you.
  • And there’s NO WAY I’m telling you this now.



Love Story

In Love. Fashion Wanderer. Curious Bookworm. Graphic Designer. Fashion Marketing Manager. Pianist. Adventurous Writer. Blogger. Non-stop.