5 Things To Let Go Of This Year

Wesley Owens
Love. The Magazine.


This is the time to let go of those things that aren’t serving us

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Yeah, I know “letting go” is written about so much on Medium it’s practically burned in our retinas by now. If you find yourself scrolling through the self-help section of Medium, this might be just the kind of article you’d end up at.

In fact, I’ve written about the concept of “letting go” a few times already, so why am I writing about it again?

Because this time I want to talk about the specific things we can let go of this year. Instead of vaguely talking about why we should let go, or how we can let go, this article is going to be a list of some parts of life that we can actively let go of.

That being said, I don’t know every part of your life, so I can’t say exactly what parts you need to let go of and what other parts of your life aren’t a problem. So take these ideas with a grain of salt, and try to apply them as best you can.

1. Self-Destructive Habits

