Can You Prepare Yourself For Heartbreak?

Wesley Owens
Love. The Magazine.


Trying to avoid the impending storm of sadness and regret

Photo by Kyle Cleveland on Unsplash

“I’d rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.”


Betrayal is a bitch. It’s one thing to breakup with someone you want to be with, but a whole other thing to find out that they’ve betrayed you in some way.

The feeling of betrayal can inspire all sorts of feelings. At first there is sadness and regret, which usually can be dealt with. But if those two emotions simmer too long, they soon turn into self-loathing, depression, and anxiety, all of which can become cycles of destruction in your life.

For me, these emotions have led to two different outcomes:

In one scenario, the feelings of anxiety and spiraling worries make me have to do something about it. This normally leads to drinking, drugs, and going out on the town. Though it can be fun to distract yourself for a while, it eventually becomes toxic when you start drinking too much and use it as a crutch to avoid your feelings.

The second scenario usually finds me in bed all day, unable to do a single thing due to crippling depression. It’s like all the energy has been sapped from your body, and even the thought of getting up and doing something feels incredibly…

