It’s Time To Give Up On Them

Wesley Owens
Love. The Magazine.


You’re worth more than loving someone who doesn’t love you

Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

“I’m tired of fighting
I’m tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause”

Beck, from “Lost Cause”

The other day I was walking around a bookstore looking for The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, needing a good adventure story to distract me. That’s when a song I recognized came on the speakers. It was “Lost Cause” by Beck.

The song has always been one of my favorites. What I find especially interesting is the air of finality the song evokes; the singer giving up on having a fulfilling and loving relationship with another person. The mood is extremely morose and practically dripping with melancholy, but it also stresses one important thing:

Finally giving up on that person.

You know who I’m talking about. We all have that person that we want to be attached to, even if every sign points us in the other direction. Still, we cling on for dear life, hoping that they’ll come around.

We can give this person a thousand chances, but at some point we realize the truth: They’re never going to be there for us.

It’s not easy to accept it. Lord knows I’m still in the process of it. I want that person to…

