What falling in love feels like…

Love. The Magazine.
2 min readJul 10, 2023



a few days ago i stumbled on this instagram post by we’re not really strangers filled with a bunch of little heartwarming sensations and memories that can describe what falling in love feels like. The comments were filled with beautiful contributions that inspired me to think of my own. Below is a compilation of some of my favourite comments as well as my own list. love is weird. we can’t really describe it, but it is the strongest emotion out there. may this fill your heart. and perhaps you can think of your own list…? 💌

Falling in love feels like…

  • “hearing your favorite song in a random place”
  • “like closing your eyes and going outside to breathe the air after the biggest thunderstorm you have ever seen”
  • “first deep breath while calming down”
  • “a warm hug all the time”
  • “like waking up at the final destination after a road trip”
  • “like the shower you take at your home after being away for days”
  • “waking up on the first day of summer”
  • “fresh out of the dryer sheets”
  • that post concert feeling
  • jumping in a cold, clear lake on a hot summer’s day
  • writing in your journal and feeling the release
  • that one chord that makes you feel a certain type of way
  • lyrics that touch your heartstrings, because it is exactly what you needed to hear
  • reading an amazing book and never wanting it to end
  • seeing sunlight being reflected on water
  • seeing that person you love enter a room
  • the way people’s eyes light up when they talk about something they love
  • fresh fruit
  • the world being transformed in a magical hue during golden hour
  • colorful fireworks reflected in people’s eyes

What does love feel like to you? Leave a comment under this story 💭📝



Love. The Magazine.

passionate writer, deep thinker. uncovering all the questions of life ♡