What is Love? (Baby don’t hurt me)

Wesley Owens
Love. The Magazine.


Photo by Joseph Frank on Unsplash

For me, love is the opposite of feeling alone. Whenever I feel most loved, it doesn’t matter what kind of situation I’m in, because I’m feeling great. I could be stuck in traffic on a hopelessly clogged interstate or having a bad day at work, and love will still be there to get me through.

Love is connectedness. It strings together human lives and relationships and makes sense of the world. Without love it feels like chaos, like a series of faces swimming in the crowd without an anchor to hold on to. Love creates purpose; it creates connection; it helps us feel like our lives mean something.

Love is sensed, felt, thrown out, renewed. Love is talked about, acknowledged, questioned, blamed. We wonder if love is just a word humans created to describe the way we form bonds between each other. Some think that it is essential to the Universe. Others think it is just a human construct.

So what is Love?

Baby, don’t hurt me (Sorry, I can’t help it).

For many of us, there lies the rub. Love represents vulnerability, a shedding of our tough outer, protective layers. It means opening up to another person, laying out our angels and our demons, and asking them to accept us as we are. But who are we, anyway?

