Why People Throw Away Good Relationships

Wesley Owens
Love. The Magazine.


Photo by Jorge Franganillo on Unsplash

“When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM THE FIRST TIME.” — Dr. Maya Angelou

I know how you feel. Just like you, I’ve been laying in bed and not trying to think of that someone who’s making me feel shitty about myself. The reason I’m so depressed is because I feel like my ex threw away a good relationship, and now I’m missing what we had together.

But now that I look back I see the warning signs. The insecurity, the “lovebombing” behavior, the emotional manipulation to make me feel like I was doing something wrong and that they were the victim. It’s all so clear.

But before I realized all that, I made a genuine connection with someone, or at least I thought I did. Now I’m not so sure. We had long conversations on the phone, teased each other about superficial things, and giggled as we messed with the Facetime filters on our phones. There were tons of great moments to look back on.

Before it ended, our relationship was growing in many ways as we started to share more vulnerable parts of ourselves. We were long-distance romantic partners, but also we were friends, talking philosophically about how time feels in different situations and reflecting on life together, always laughing at each other’s jokes and silly comments.

