Coincidence or Fate?

Kaysea Oden
Love Without Borders
4 min readMar 10, 2021

Many of us spend every minute looking for love, but little did we know that when we stop looking for love, that’s when love decides to find us.

The universe has a unique way of showing us things we may not notice at first. For most of us, love is what all of us hope to find in life, a partner, a soulmate. What most of us don’t understand is, that love isn’t something that can be rushed.

Love has unexpected timing and it is going to come to you when you least expect it. At the moment where you have stability in your life and you’re content. Put trust into the universe and realize the best things in life come when they are not forced. You will never have to force anyone into your life who is meant to be there. Love isn’t something you have to search for, because it will fall into your hands when it is ready for you.

Erin & Massi

With nearly five years between continents…

Massi is an Italian who lived in (Dublin) Ireland and Erin is an American who lived in Denver. Massi lived a rock and roll lifestyle where he was never in one place for long. He had spent some time couch surfing around Europe, performing a gig here and there, and constantly moving around. Erin had an extremely busy work life managing a restaurant and always had a full schedule.

For Erin, she knew that although she had amazing people in her life, her soulmate was not where she was at the moment.

Erin moved to Ireland when she started seeing someone there. One night when they attended a mutual friend’s party, Erin decided to try and impress everyone by showing off her command over the Italian language and caught Massi’s eye — even though she completely obliterated it. Massi felt an automatic attraction to Erin until he realized she was there with her partner. The night ended with Neil Young songs, which was an instant heart melter for Erin.

Over the next few months, the two ran into each other at numerous musical events around Dublin… until Erin’s relationship ended, and she got on a plane back to America. Although they were now on separate continents, they still managed to stay in touch. This continued for the following three years until the two managed to find one another again, this time, in Italy.

Massi was in Milan doing music and Erin was traveling solo and found herself in need of company. The two agreed to meet for a drink, grabbed dinner, did some sight-seeing, and ended up having, what Erin called, “a super romantic story-book evening”. Massi being Italian, was very charming and a romantic. Erin, coming from a traditional midwestern upbringing, saw Massi’s actions as a bit overload. The night ended shortly after as Erin didn’t want to compromise their friendship and sent Massi on his way, instead of inviting him home with her for the night.

Erin & Massi

Once Erin was back home in Denver, she and Massi continued to stay in touch for the next year and a half, resuming their normal lives. As the communication between them became more frequent, Erin realized something had shifted in her feelings towards Massi. “It was like a slow burn and then a rocket ship.” Although it took a handful of years, they were both now in the right mental and emotional headspace to maybe move out of the friend zone.

Erin returned to Dublin shortly after and invited Massi out to a night of drinking with her and her friends. After one too many drinks, Erin couldn’t hide her true feelings. Soon after that, they attended a weekend getaway with friends, this was when they both realized that they share the same romantic feelings for each other.

One lesson we could all learn from Erin and Massi’s story is that love has a funny way of finding you. After years of friendship between these two, little did they know they were meant for each other all along. Things aligned perfectly once they allowed things to fall into place on it’s own. Ultimately, what you are seeking, is seeking you.

Loved Erin & Massi’s story? Listen to the stories of real-life couples who overcome insurmountable odds in their pursuit of love only on Love Without Borders. It’ll make you want to fall in love again.

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