Embrace the AI Wave: Career Opportunities and Practical Advice for 2024

Quan Nguyen
Love Yourself and Be You
5 min readJun 10, 2024


As we navigate through 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to dominate headlines, sparking both excitement and apprehension. This blog post, inspired by a conversation with AI expert Dr. Mike Pound and tech influencer David Bombal, explores the state of AI today, its opportunities, and practical advice for those looking to jump on this technological wave. Sharing this content is valuable because understanding AI’s current landscape and its potential future can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions about career paths and investments. This blog content is extracted from their Youtube video.

The AI is for you and for everyone!


You need to learn AI in 2024! (And here is your roadmap)

Creator Bio

David Bombal is a seasoned tech educator and YouTuber, known for his in-depth tutorials on networking, cybersecurity, and now, AI. With a knack for demystifying complex topics, David helps his audience stay ahead of technological trends. Dr. Mike Pound, a researcher and lecturer at the University of Nottingham, specializes in AI and computer vision. He frequently collaborates with David to provide insights into AI’s real-world applications and developments.

Key Takeaways

  • 🤖 Smaller AI and Deep learning applications are quietly solving huge transformative problems across the world, with maximum impact.
  • 🖼️ Image generation in AI is advancing rapidly, blurring the line between real and fake images.
  • 📈 The amount of resources needed to train AI models like ChatGPT is significant, including massive amounts of internet data, GPUs, and infrastructure, making it a challenging endeavor for individuals without access to such resources.
  • 🤯 The overwhelming amount and speed of AI research and papers are changing the field at an unprecedented rate.
  • 🏙️ Segmenting anything by Meta is transformative in the segmentation space, allowing for labeling products and segmenting all things in a scene without the need for specific training.
  • 🐍 Start with Python; if you haven’t learned Python already, you need to learn Python. In 2024, learn PyTorch.
  • 🤖 AI is solving thousands of real-world problems quietly behind the scenes, beyond the hype seen in the media, making it a worthwhile field to pursue.
  • 🧠 Start with PyTorch and supervised learning to build a strong foundation in AI.

Elaboration on Key Takeaways

1. AI Knowledge is a Long-Term Investment Understanding AI in 2024 is a lifelong asset. As Dr. Pound emphasizes, AI is not a passing fad. Its applications are continually expanding and improving. Knowledge acquired today will serve as a robust foundation for future advancements.

“An understanding of AI that you get in 2024 is going to last you a lifetime because I just can’t see how it would go away.”

2. AI’s Versatile Applications Beyond the hype, AI quietly solves numerous real-world problems. From image generation to data segmentation, AI’s impact is pervasive yet often unnoticed. This breadth of application ensures that AI skills remain relevant across various industries.

“Outside of the core of the hype stuff you can see in the media, there are thousands of examples of smaller AI and deep learning applications that are solving problems across the world.”

3. Opportunities Across Skill Levels Whether you’re a novice or an expert, AI offers opportunities. From using front-end tools like ChatGPT to leveraging APIs or training custom models, there’s a place for everyone. The key is to start somewhere and progressively deepen your understanding.

“There’s a huge opportunity now with AI open to a wider community of people who perhaps are not hardcore AI guys, but they can leverage the power of AI just by interfacing with APIs.”

4. Learning Pathways to AI Mastery Starting with Python and progressing to PyTorch, aspiring AI practitioners should focus on practical, hands-on learning. Resources like Andrew Ng’s courses on Coursera provide a solid foundation in machine learning principles.

“The primary entry point is going to be learning Python. Once you’ve got a grasp of the fundamentals, you can start training up smaller networks to get your head around the quirks of each particular library.”

5. The Future of AI: Incremental Improvements, Not AGI The AI community is focused on enhancing existing technologies rather than achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). Improvements in chatbots, image generation, and data grounding are expected, but a leap to AGI is unlikely in the near future.

“In the next five or ten years, we’re just going to see better versions of what we have now. But nothing will substantially completely change in terms of jumping from where we are now to something that can think and act for itself.”

Resources Mentioned

  1. Andrew Ng’s courses on Coursera: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Specialization.
  2. PyTorch tutorials and GitHub repositories
  3. Google Colab for running and experimenting with AI models
  4. Various Python courses for beginners


  1. What is the best way to start learning AI? Start with Python, then move on to PyTorch. Practical courses like those offered by Andrew Ng on Coursera are highly recommended.
  2. Do I need a PhD to work in AI? No, many AI professionals do not have PhDs. Practical experience and understanding of key concepts are more important.
  3. How can I use AI in my current job? AI can automate repetitive tasks, analyze large datasets, and generate insights. Identify specific problems that AI can solve in your job and start from there.
  4. What are some common AI applications? Common applications include image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. These can be used in various industries, from healthcare to finance.
  5. Will AI take over jobs? While AI will automate some tasks, it will also create new opportunities. Learning AI can help future-proof your career by enabling you to work alongside AI tools effectively.

My take away

Embracing AI in 2024 offers unparalleled career opportunities and the chance to be part of transformative technological advancements. By starting with the basics and progressively building your skills, you can position yourself at the forefront of this exciting field. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your expertise, now is the perfect time to jump on the AI wave. If you found this post helpful, please clap your hands and share it with others!

