New Beginnings

Let’s infuse the world with more hope, vision, and love.

Faruk Ateş
Love First
3 min readSep 26, 2024


I haven’t been doing much Airbending in recent times, and that’s a pity. Airbending, for those unfamiliar, is the art and practice of Believing in Possibility in everything you do. It’s infusing hope and optimism into hardships (without going overboard), and painting a picture of a brighter future. It’s constantly looking for different solutions, alternative options, and ways to create something new that hasn’t been done (or believed in) before. It’s about not giving up, no matter what.

Cultivating a sense of hope is not just a good practice to feel better; it’s also a way of stimulating the creative centers of your brain, and keeping your soul connected to your inner life force. Without a feeling of optimism that a better and brighter tomorrow is possible, we might lose our sense of hope, and fall pray to anguish, despair, or worse. And when we suffer those, our desire for something better grows but so does our apathy, making it harder for us to actually do things, even things that would help us feel better. Alternatively, we might find ourselves numbing and bypassing and ignoring (or trying to deny) the challenges we face, because it feels too scary and overwhelming to acknowledge them.

While I’m a lifelong Airbender, I’ve certainly struggled with hardships — heartbreak, job loss, identity crisis, to name a few — that left me depressed, even borderline suicidal in the past. And between the climate crisis and genocidal imperialism and pretty much every other problem and concern we can list here, the state of the world today isn’t making it easy to practice my usual Airbending behaviors. So I’m returning to do some conscious training of the skill.

I Believe A Better World Is Possible, and in fact, I have devoted my entire life to this belief, and the realization of my vision for how we can get there. It’s a vision that gives me so much hope, optimism, joy, reassurance, confidence, and love.

And it is this belief, this deeply rooted conviction inside my body and soul that this is my calling, that keeps me optimistic and excited to do the work I’m doing every day. Even when I share news and insights that paint a grim, depressing world. But in so doing, I’ve failed on my Airbending responsibilities, because while I have found my life’s calling and purpose and am devoting the rest of my life to it, that kind of conviction (and associated built-in hope and optimism) is a privilege.

So I am going back to my Airbending training and practicing infusing more hope, more liberation, and more love into what I share online.

Fortunately, I recently (and quietly) launched a new website for Going Love First last week. It’s a brand new stack that will allow me to publish and share my writings in ways that support the unique nature of how it’ll all (eventually) work. The site is mostly devoid of design work for now, as I focus on creating the contents and refining the messaging. But I invite you to check out the Love First Writing Experiment to see how you can contribute and become a part of this new world that we’re creating.

The old world is flaming out. It’s time we write the story of a brand new one.

Care to join?

Let’s begin with introductions.

Hi, my name is Faruk Rainbow Dragon Supernova, and I am a Love Catalyst.

Faruk Ateş is a Love Catalyst, writer/poet, public speaker and transformational coach. He writes on Medium, Substack, and canonically on, where the latest iterations of all Love First teachings live.



Faruk Ateş
Love First

Love First Person, writer, technologist, designer. Playing the Game of Love because the Power one is boring.