How I Found Out and Fixed What Was “Wrong” with Me

It’s been a long and winding road, though now I finally have some answers.

Carlene M. Dean
Loveful Mind


It has been many, many years (actually more like three or four decades, to be brutally honest) that I have been trying to figure out what is “wrong” with me. For as long as I can remember, I have always felt “like the odd one on the outside, looking in at the others.” In other words, I have always felt, and still do feel, that I’m different … which, in all honesty, is true.

Besides the vague uneasy feelings of different-ness, there also were numerous people along the way who either outright told me — or at least strongly hinted/implied — that I had stuff “wrong” with me. Gee, thanks everyone in my past for that! I guess that even though you probably contributed a bit (a lot?) to the anxiety and depressionI’ve battled with for decades, you also helped eventually nudge me into one day getting some answers.

On a side note to parents, teachers, etc.: I’m betting the odds are pretty good that it’s been proven (or at least theorized) by psychologists that constantly telling a child she has things wrong with her, that she isn’t “like all the others” is damaging to that child. Damaging, as in possibly causing anxiety and/or a whole host of other mental health challenges and low self-esteem…



Carlene M. Dean
Loveful Mind

Experienced professional writer/freelancer and former newspaper reporter-turned-online writer/blogger. Thinker. “Old soul”, young hippie, empath.