A rant for women with periods

Jared Matthew Weiss
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2015

So, I’m a dude, and I’m about to go on a rant about women’s periods.

Recently, there’s been a big issue brewing with the MTA. It involves a controversial advertisement for underwear designed for women during that ‘certain time of the month.’

We all say that ‘certain time of the month’ because we’ve all been socially conditioned not to talk about periods. Why? Because periods are a thing that make us feel uncomfortable to talk about. Why is that? I don’t know. Maybe it’s because our social norms were created by wealthy, prejudiced, anglo-saxon, protestant men who just couldn’t feel comfortable with the relationship between bleeding and breeding.

Personally, the only beef I have with the word ‘period’ is that it’s kind of a misnomer. It should be the ‘comma.’ Think about it. 30 days, comma. 30 days, comma. Menopause — that should be the period.


The underwear company, Thinx, made this advertisement:

The MTA believes that the grapefruit in this ad is a little suggestive and inappropriate. Unlike the ad below, which also features grapefruits, although it’s not really suggestive, right?

It just straight up says:

If your tits aren’t the size of giant grapefruits, you’re going to be really, really sad.

As if this advertisement would ever be okay on a subway.

Be bigger, be happier.

And while the MTA has already begrudgingly approved the ad on the grounds of the First Amendment, the Chairman of the MTA, Thomas Prendergast, said, “The ads offended me.”

Offended you? It’s a f*cking grapefruit.

Perhaps, it’s your own imagination that offends you, Mr. Prendergast. Or maybe it’s because your name sounds insanely similar to 70s soul singer, Teddy Pendergrass, who is really your anti-doppleganger, if you think about it.

He was handsome, black, likeable, and even crooned at the vagina.

Representatives of the MTA, even questioned how children would be affected by the ad.

Ultimately, who cares if it looks like a vagina? 50% of the population has a vagina. And the other half only exists because of them.

These are our mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and girlfriends, and we should be supportive of them.

We should show them some gratitude by making them feel comfortable talking about it, developing products for it, whatever.

One thing I know for sure:

If you’re offended by a vagina, then you just don’t know where you come from.

